Bettina Goerner
  • @bettina_goerner
_ Business-savvy Chief Data Officer, with P&L ownership experience

_ Successful track record in building and scaling multiple high-growth products and businesses around data + software in R&D. Can Build and Sell

_ Functional (CDO), General Management (MD), Non-Executive (NED), Investor and Entrepreneur Experience

_ Data products + data partnerships + data monetization
_ Data due diligence + data valuation + data licensing
_ Data strategy + data storytelling
_ Data management + data governance
_ Product development + product management
_ Go-to-market + value strategy + scaling

_ Life sciences training at Max Planck and Harvard, business training at McKinsey and INSEAD, tech training in real life. Passion for all three
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Contact Me


Mar 2021 - Present

Chief Data Officer, CENTOGENE GmbH