Wrote a Template Processor Framework
  • phpJS is a type of "Template Processor" that will work both as a bridge for Javascript and PHP, It might function the same as NodeJS (since I will integrate asynchronous calls into it). However it is just a Template Processor Framework, which means it instructs Javascript Code to convert your HTML/CSS syntax into a Wireframe using a "Page Load" Algorithm then recalls all the remaining HTML/CSS elements into your App Page..

So I wrote this on October 27, 2021.. It is typically a Template Processor Framework which compiles JSON Array Wireframe into a nice and nifty UI / UX Design using the phpJS function constructor. I was at first eager to write this up in hopes of easing out my Articles Platform of where I usually do all my Writeups and News about CSS / HTML and Javascript Technology news-letters.. I designed this under the same influence as those of BigPipe Technology from Facebook.. But I will renovate some or all of the functions later on into a more flexible and agile Framework, by adding Asynchronous Calls into it much like the same as NodeJS.. But the catch is? Its not a Server-side Framework, rather a Client-based Rendering Framework..

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