Unsplash Explorer:

Building UI components
Improving site performance
Building a feature
Illustrating a CSS concept


Unsplash Explorer is a dynamic and visually immersive front-end application designed to seamlessly integrate with Unsplash's API, offering users a captivating experience as they explore and discover a vast collection of high-quality images. Leveraging my frontend development skills, I meticulously crafted this application to showcase not only stunning visuals but also a user-friendly interface.

Key Features:

  1. Image Search: Utilize the power of Unsplash's extensive photo library with a robust search functionality, allowing users to find images based on keywords, categories, or user profiles.
  2. Responsive Design: Prioritizing a mobile-first approach, the application is fully responsive, providing an optimal viewing experience across a variety of devices and screen sizes.
  3. Image Details: Dive deeper into the details of each image, including photographer information, likes, and download options, enhancing user engagement and interaction.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: With a clean and intuitive user interface, Unsplash Explorer prioritizes simplicity and ease of use, allowing users to navigate effortlessly through the vast image collection.

Tech Stack:

  • Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6+), Vue.js
  • API Integration: Unsplash API for fetching and displaying images
  • Styling: Styled Components for modular and maintainable styles


Unsplash Explorer not only serves as a testament to my frontend development skills but also showcases my ability to integrate and leverage external APIs seamlessly. The application's engaging user interface, coupled with its responsive design and feature-rich functionality, provides a tangible example of my commitment to creating delightful user experiences.

Future Enhancements:

Continuously committed to improvement, future enhancements for Unsplash Explorer may include the implementation of user accounts, image saving collections, and social sharing functionality, adding even more value to the user experience.

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