Open-source Bitcoin Giving Notes

Starting a new open source project
Speaking about Bitcoin
Illustrating a CSS concept
In honor of how great Bitcoin is to support free giving of stored value to anyone, we made what we call “open source bitcoin giving notes”.

This concept allows for “offline” use of bitcoin value transfer for giving applications in the physical world.   You can easily modify/print & carry some of these notes with you and give them to others for any purposes, but especially for kindness, appreciation, tips, and gratitude to people in the world!

We tested this out with BlueWallet for deposit & withdrawal via the LNURL spec and it worked great!

We used LNBits as the deposit (pay) server, wallet, and withdraw server.  We have added an API integration with LNBits to make this even easier for low tech users who might not know how to create an LNURLs. 

Check out the live version here: