
I made this tiktok after I woke up with 50 dependabot notifications one morning
Break the code challenge Memed (and took part in) the Break the code challenge by .tech.
Google Developer Scholarship Program In 2017 I've joined Google Developer Scholarship Program and,...
Deploy to Deta GitHub Action Built & published a simple GitHub Action to deploy a project to the cloud platform Deta. The action uses Deta's CLI to d...
Web Monetization for Tech Content Creators For Virtual Coffee's Month of Sharing, together with the awesomest Ray Deck, I published a Youtube video about...
Defence Against the (Digital) Dark Arts: Defining, Detecting and Measuring Unlawful Dark Patterns in the EU Published a conference abstract Defence Against the (Digital) Dark Arts: Defining, Detect...
Return of the AI: An Analysis of Legal Research on Artificial Intelligence Using Topic Modeling Published Return of the AI: An Analysis of Legal Research on Artificial Intelligence Using Topic Mode...
Content Sentiment Analysis: Explore the emotion score of your content with Google API Spent a few nights wrapping Google's analyzeSentiment API into a GitHub Action. The Action runs Sentiment Analy...
Contribute to Forem 🌱 in Gitpod on your own fork Short guide of running the Forem codebase on a cloud IDE – GitPod.
Getting started with Google Cloud Functions on Firebase A basic guide of deploying Node serverless functions on Firbase. Covers basic concepts of Express with Node, Firebase Functions, Firebase Rea...