💻 open source

Released v1.1.0 of @bradgarropy/eslint-config-react to support React 18!
Released v1.0.0 of @bradgarropy/plop-generator-remix-route!
Released v1.0.0 of @bradgarropy/plop-helper-includes!
Released v1.8.0 of bg-snippets to include Remix snippets!
Created my own remix-starter!
Released v1.5.0 of @bradgarropy/use-countdown which allows users to change the duration during resets!
Released v2.0.0 of @bradgarropy/http to support patch and delete methods!
Developed next-todo, a todo application template built with Next.js and Supabase.
Released v1.0.0 of @bradgarropy/next-google-analytics!
Released new versions of all my eslint configurations, which now use the latest @babel/eslint-parser.
Released v1.4.0 of @bradgarropy/use-countdown to include a reset method.
Released v1.1.0 of @bradgarropy/http to support form bodies.
Created a plop generator for React context.
Just released v2.2.0 of my gatsby-plugin-seo package to support a few more meta tags. 🔹 theme-color 🔹 color-scheme
Just released v1.2.0 of my next-seo package to support a few more meta tags. 🔹 theme-color 🔹 color-scheme
Built a useTimer hook!
Released @bradgarropy/http, a request library!
Built an SEO component for Next.js!
Built a Next.js Link component!
Created a plop generator for react hooks!
Created a plop generator for react components!
Magento Storefront Event Collector goes v1.0.0!
Magento Storefront Events SDK goes v1.0.0!