Designed process

Q&A with Michael Fetter

Marketing Manager

What is the hardest part of any web or print project, in your opinion? (There is no wrong answer)

I always find the hardest part of any project is the Team staying on task and keeping their focus on the task at hand. There always seems to be something that pops up that takes them off tasks and lose focus of the project at hand. 

How do you handle it when you notice a project is going off track?

Oftentimes when this happens it is usually something beyond my control. When possible I try and pick up the slack. One thing I found to be helpful though is regular meetings (frequency depending on the length of the project) these meetings are usually pretty short; the have a strict schedule and Action Items from the meetings are clearly stated at the end of the meeting with strict due dates attached. 

Whose fault is it when you have to go back and perform work again because what you did wasn’t what ultimately was needed?

I'm never comfortable laying blame on anyone; and I don't frown on failures; and stress to my team that they are learning opportunities. In my eyes the only failures are ones that are repeated.

Who is the ultimate decision maker in any project you work on?

Unfortunately in my current position there is usually never an ultimate decision maker and decisions are often made by committee. 

What would make your job or role on any project easier?

As stated in the previous answer having a clear decision maker would make projects go much smoother. For projects in which I am the champion I am the decision maker my projects go much smoother.