Designed process

Q&A with Jan Neerincx Sherman

Business Analyst

What is the hardest part of any web or print project, in your opinion? (There is no wrong answer) 

The hardest part of a design project is when the client has too strong of an opinion on the design and doesn’t trust the designer.

How do you handle it when you notice a project is going off track? 

When a project is going off track I pull all involved parties together on a call to level set. Email is not  a good way to gain consensus and build partnership within the team.

Whose fault is it when you have to go back and perform work again because what you did wasn’t what ultimately was needed? 

It’s no one’s fault, but all are responsible for making sure the communication is being delivered and heard.

Who is the ultimate decision maker in any project you work on? 

The end user.

What would make your job or role on any project easier? 

When people have the freedom to fail without retribution. In an environment where it’s ok to fail, creativity can happen.