Designed process

Key Players: The Builder

Who will build the vision the creator comes up with?

Building the vision of the Creator is where the ideas become solidified. Sometimes the Builder and the Creator are the same person, depending on the project. If you are trying to create a poster, for example, then they are the same person. If you are trying to create a piece of software, then you are probably talking about multiple people.

The Builder is typically your technical person or people that make things into reality. UI developers, back end developers, and systems architects are some of the roles that commonly comprise a Builder’s role. 

Many projects believe that having a ratio of three developers to every one designer is the way to go. I do not subscribe to that theory. Development can be difficult, but so can design, if done correctly. A great plan leads to great execution, so understanding the needs and tasks of the project is important. For example, you wouldn’t want to staff 10 creators and one builder, because that singular person would get overwhelmed with the tasks and the timeline of your project would be extremely long.

Make sure your needs align with your staffing and types of builders you require.