This is the journey of a woman whose entrepreneurial seeds were sown at the tender age of 12!
The parents of her friends insisted that she tutor their kids as they were aware her concepts were SUPER clear!
Kavita Gupta-a woman who always loved to write & be under the spotlight.
In her childhood, she wrote poems, something that resonates with her name.
And, when she got her degree in English, she started writing commercially.
All along she had one desire-to make a difference & be popular.
What started off as writing for leisure turned into a full-time job!
She took several projects where she wrote for top brands like Nike, Macy's, Target, etc.
She eventually diversified into areas like Social Media, Copywriting, Blogging, Public/Media Relations, Digital Marketing, Public Speaking, Coaching, Mentoring, Consulting, etc.
After gaining a mix of corporate & freelancing experience, she thought it was the right time to build something of her own. She enrolled in a few courses & became a certified life coach.
But it wasn’t easy.
While conducting webinars, she failed miserably.
Nobody would buy from her.
As nobody knew her.
She then realised -
“Koi mujhe jaanega nahi, to meri maanega kaise.”
(If a person wouldn’t know me, why would he follow what I say/recommend.)
She needed to be known.
For that she needed a personal brand.
Her new found love was, & still is, PERSONAL BRANDING.
After that, there was no turning back.
She now has 1000s of followers on Linkedin.
She even launched her own personal branding & digital marketing podcast! Check out her featured section for the podcast.
She is relentlessly working on building her presence online & aspires to be a public speaker and author.
Kavita’s clientele is both domestic & international. She turns Executives, CEOs, Founders, CXOs, CFOs, Entrepreneurs into online celebrities to grow their sales using Online Personal Branding, LinkedIn Growth Hacking, Copywriting, Content Creation, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Management, Organic Inbound Marketing, Lead Generation, Outbound Marketing, Paid Advertising, Press & Media Relations, etc.
Today also her dream is the same.
To be famous. To be on stage. To own the spotlight.
Want to build a strong personal brand online?
Email/DM her at
Or, book a 30-mins Zoom call using link in featured section!
Also, follow her on other social media channels. (@brandedkavita)