Shared Body Transformation Progress

e love our transformation with @picolocostudio. Productive and sustainable, 63kg > 53kg @ 5’1 height

- A 12 week initial diet (63kg - 56kg, learning the fundamentals) 
- 4-5 months of maintaining her results. (learning how to incorporate long term habits and behaviour change) 56-57kg.

- 2 x 4 week follow up diets with a break between to drop further body fat. 

A year on she can:

- Maintain her results at 53kg.

- Understands the principles of energy balance. She can tweak her food at any time if she feel she needs to make changes. 
- Enjoy life and have fun without restrictive practices or fad dieting. 
Results DON’T NEED to happen in 12-weeks. It’s where you’re at 1, 2, 5 years and more down the line that matters. 

“For me it’s been a mindset and focus shift with minimal stress, I lost 16% of myself! Assessing my intake has enabled me to see where the hidden traps were that I have been missing over the years. Overall, it’s been more of a permanent change for me.”