
Added a new "about me" page to my portfolio! Check it out
Published my first Firefox Addon 😆!
Joined GitHub ✨!
Created my first Discord bot "GhostyBot"! Still working on it to this day! It's one of my most passionate projects I've created. GhostyBot is in over 200 Discord servers and has more than 150 comma...
Created my own Polywork page!
Redesigned my personal portfolio. Migrated from plain HTML to Next.js! Next.js is really my go-to now!
Finished the FreeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design Course and got this sick certificate!
Migrated my notes app from React-Redux to MobX. A lot of boilerplate and extra code gone 👏!
Created a simple project that updates my GitHub bio with my daily coding stats. View the code here
Created my first npm package! Created a cool and good looking timeline component that can be easily used and customized.
First foot on the planet 🌍!
The beginning of my programming journey 👨‍💻!
Joined the amazing Zyndicate Team 🎉!
Rewritten my notes application from React.js and JavaScript to Next.js with TypeScript. It's so fast now ⚡! View it here!
Created a markdown parser that creates a JavaScript questions quiz to get better at JavaScript! Check it out
Created a flag guessing game to learn the flags of countries around the world. Very fun project to work on while learning the flags! See live version
Tried out Cloudflare workers for the first time, and I must say it's really easy to setup a new project! Super great docs too! Created an API that proxies a request to openweathermap so my API toke...
Created a new project heavily inspired by Dustin Rouillard's Tabatha. Replace the new-tab in Firefox with a custom cool looking one! Check it out!