
Published our Stripe React Native series
Nhost is an interesting OSS project to create SaaS backends with GraphQL. I hosted a livestream Johan to learn more about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXsHwetfQ-Y
I had the chance to speak at DaprCon/KubeCon on exploring Pub/Sub Messaging with Dapr. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dqe1k-FXJQ
Had a great time presenting at Jetbrains' .NET Days 2022. I gave a session on Building Microservices With Dapr and .NET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VumVciZtLjc
First time attending AWS re:Invent and my first time speaking there too! It was soo good to catch up with friends and old co-workers in person.
Docker for .NET Developer
Spending some time to learn about Serverless and messaging in AWS before I head to re:Invent later this year.
In this Dev Chats, Paul Asjes and I had a chat with Shawn Wang about how he got started writing books, self publishing as a side hustle, and how he used Stripe to collect payments! https://www.yout...
This was a first! I was a guest on my own livestream where I got to show off a Stripe Checkout integration with an ASP .NET Core application https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lM2YOA_W4Hk
On Stripe Dev Chats, CJ and I had a fun conversation with Chris Oliver about creating plugins/extensions for Ruby on Rails using Engines 👨🏾‍💻 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlgY4MYz6Hg
We had a really good conversation on this Twitter space. Rizèl Scarlett, James Quick, Brian Clark, Jay Miller, and I shared our experiences on some of the highs and lows of developer advocacy. http...
I learned alot about the SuperGraph on my livestream with , Michael Watson from Apollo GraphQL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77tIYYftGoA
Had a great chat with Michael Kennedy on his Talk Python to me podcast. We discussed Python for .NET Developers https://talkpython.fm/episodes/show/363/python-for-.net-and-c-developers
Hopped on a Twitter Spaces convo with tons of other awesome Polynauts https://twitter.com/Polywork/status/1504564868648689664
Co-hosted on the .NET Docs Show livestream where Sam Basu came on to talk about .NET MAUI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hMw-C7UqTg
Now that I have my Open Water Diver certifications, I'm going to start working on my SDI Advanced Adventure course https://www.tdisdi.com/sdi/get-certified/advanced-adventure-diver/
Started a new job at Stripe as a Developer Advocate
On .NET Live - Fun Functional Functions for F# folks My teammate Aaron Powell will be joining me on July 8th at 5pm EST for On .NET Live to talk about writing F# applications that run on Azure Func...
Completed my Open Water SCUBA Certification After years of procrastination, I finally signed up to get my scuba diving certification with some friends! Wish me luck 🤿 https://pineapplegear.com
Beginner's Series to: Web APIs Our beginner's guide to building Web APIs with ASP .NET Core is designed to provide you with the foundation you need to start building Web APIs with .NET in a collect...
Better than Fixing Computers with Cecil Phillip https://share.transistor.fm/s/0d96699e
Episode 29 - Developer Relations and Education with Jasmine Greenaway and Cecil Phillip https://dotnetcore.show/episode-29-developer-relations-and-education-with-jasmine-greenaway-and-cecil-phillip/
Episode 145 – Cecil Phillip: Getting Started with Python https://6figuredev.com/podcast/episode-145-cecil-phillip-getting-started-with-python/
Microservices made easy with Dapr Building distributed applications is hard and can introduce a set of new challenges to developers. Dapr, the distributed application runtime, provides a runtime an...
Ask the Expert: Microservices Made Easy With Dapr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOpKW11-mg8
Learn about my journey from a competitive swimmer, to a University Professor to becoming a Senior Engineer on the 8bits show https://8bits.tv/8-bits-with-cecil-phillip/
War Stories of the Developer Evangelists https://talkpython.fm/episodes/show/189/war-stories-of-the-developer-evangelists
Demystifying Serverless with Cecil Phillip https://www.hanselminutes.com/623/demystifying-serverless-with-cecil-phillip