Aug 2018 - Present
Celeste Tsang
- @celestetsang
The first newsletter issue for 2022 features Lilith Noah. We talk about her process of creating collage art with receipts, writing coming-of-age poems and putting her debut poetry book together. Su...
I started to do freelance book editing on the side. Message me if you are looking for a book editor. I am free to do freelance editing in December. Ideally a book under 200 pages.
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Always working my way towards perfect work-life balance and now add side projects to the mix
Rejuvenate after seeing what has happened in the world Subscribe at and join 350+ creatives for more tips...
The common struggle of writers balancing writing, work and life. “Not everyone has the privilege to be a full-time writer, working on their fictions or poetry collections. Most of them have a day j...
Implementing hobbies in our routine helps us to feel much better mentally and ride the waves of life. Subscribe for free below if you want to receive my tips to stay creative in chaos. https://cele...