Spoke on a webinar

Data Coalition 

Webinar Event:
"Creating a Balanced, Representative Data Ecosystem"

Data are at the basis of nearly every decision made in modern society. Ensuring the representativeness of data collection, management, and use extends from thinking about the data itself to every aspect of the data ecosystem. In 2021 and beyond, data-driven government must include diverse perspectives from experts and data users alike. Diversity can promote innovation, ingenuity, and progress for our society. But what does it mean for the government to have a diverse, inclusive, and equitable data ecosystem? And how do we meaningfully apply these concepts in practice? How can we address existing gaps that also support the principles and practices of the Federal Data Strategy and ensure that our government’s data priorities promote a balanced, representative data ecosystem? The Data Coalition, DLT, and DataStax held a conversation to address these questions and practical steps public sector organizations can take over the next year. 

Watch the Webinar

Data equity needs to be designed into systems - a lot of new ideas came up in this conversation and this webinar may intro you to new approaches being done in the US Govt space.