
I wrote a blog post about 5 pages your portfolio website needs that you may not have thought of. These pages are pages I use regularly and find that they help me and my clients quite a bit. I wante...
I'm now a verified merchant on Pinterest. It took a while to figure out how to add the Pinterest tags to my website and a lot of waiting for things to update. But we got there in the end! Now I can...
Today marks 1 year of working at Pinfinity. I've worked on some awesome projects over the past year. Including the huge 12 piece Dungeons & Dragons AR enabled enamel pin set, Magic the Gathering ar...
Another month has past and 2022 is already speeding by. I wish there was a slow mode for life sometimes. February was a very hectic month for me. Not work wise but general life. We're currently goi...
I created our latest advert for the Magic: the Gathering - Kamigawa Neon Dynasty AR-Enhanced collectable pin set. It was really fun playing around with the neon/cyberpunk effects for this one. http...
I wrote a blog post at the beginning of the year of goals I would like to accomplish this year. Each month I'm going to write up a report for that previous month. These goals cover things like to b...
I started a new Instagram account for my sketchbook drawings. My plan is to upload to it everyday throughout 2022. This is to help me with my drawing skills and to help me stick to something for on...
Week 2 of sketching everyday. https://twitter.com/ChristineWilde/status/1482056336770805762?s=20
In the hopes of reading more, I have given myself the challenge to read more books this year. The goal is to read 12 books throughout 2022. I'm already 2 books down! I finished reading The Million ...
I've given myself the challenge of sketching once a day for a year. I've not done this properly for years. I feel like it should be something all creatives do to improve their skills and improve th...
I used to design a lot of Twitch emotes when I was active on Fiverr. I would supply streamers with all sorts of graphics and animations. This is a set of Wolf emotes I recently did for a Twitch str...
I'm finally back in Cinema 4D, feels like home. I'll be modelling our Pinfinity pins for social media adverts and such. I can't wait! The last time I used Cinema 4D was back in R11, we are now on R...
I've never had one of these fancy ticks on any website before! Need to be posting on here super regularly then. 😎
Just finished reading the 'Show Your Work' book by Austin Kleon. It has a tonne of useful tips on how we should share our work more and not worry about what people think. I've been struggling latel...
I've now added a Sketchbook story highlight section to my Instagram account. I hope to sketch more and this is where I'll be sharing them all. https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/180117339...
I bought another domain name. 🙈 I've had this idea going around in my head for a while now. The website will show my skills in website design, WordPress theme development and illustration. This dom...
I released a new travel poster. This time it's the Southsea Beach Huts poster. https://christinewildeart.com/product/southsea-beach-huts-portsmouth-travel-poster/
I started a new Instagram account to show off my Dungeons and Dragons miniature painting hobby. All models shown are 3D printed and hand-painted by me. https://www.instagram.com/wildeminiatures/
Wizards of the Coast tweeted about the limited edition Dungeons & Dragons 12 piece pin set I worked on! 😱 https://twitter.com/Wizards_DnD/status/1441101572184829952?s=20
We launched the Dungeons & Dragons 12 Piece limited edition pin set. Only 1974 sets are available worldwide! I designed all 12 pins and my colleague Caleb designed the awesome box. I also modelled ...
Hello Multiverse! I'm super excited to check out Polywork as one of the first early adopters.