Spoke at an event
I am pleased to announce that in month of June I was joined by fellow like minded education activist who also equally focused on the Summit action tracks, which identified its complexities and proposed transformative ideas to meet the identified challenge(s). #TransformingEducation 

To hear our mission statements for Tranforming Education on a Global Scale in achieving the goals  for #SDGs 4, why not feel to visit: The full video which can be found here - https://theclaudeslaw.wordpress.com/2022/07/15/transforming-education-mission-statement/ 

We believe everyone should have an opportunity to view this important and informative video! Therefore, in result why I crucially ask that all individuals who are viewing this content, to please do the following. Share your views for Transforming Education including tag a friend or three individuals who are passionate for changing to create a new narrative for Transforming a deliverable education system for all. 

Please also repost and share this content: "Widely and circulate it among your networks." 

"Together we have the power for Transforming a New Narrative of Education System which is beneficial for All." #PeopleNotProfit #endcommoditysociety #endcommodityeducation #educationmustbeabouteducation #signatureuniqueness #GarnettsRange 

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 Instagram: @unesco @unicef @unicef_uk @gpforeducation @restlessdevelopment @ungirlseducation 
 Twitter: @TransformingEdu 

 Stay updated with next post in regards to The Claudes SEN Law Campaign. In the next coming days. ✍🏾✊🏾📢