
Ecommerce on the Jamstack with Snipcart, Next.js, & WordPress Course on Level Up Tutorials that walks you through building an online store from scratch using modern tools of the web. https://www.le...
Let's Discuss: Developer Education Talking about the current state of Developer Education including those trying to learn how to become a developer and educators trying to help teach others. https:...
Create an eCommerce Store with Next.js and Stripe Checkout egghead.io course walking through building an online store from scratch using Next.js and Stripe Checkout. https://egghead.io/courses/crea...
Joined Applitools as a Developer Advocate https://twitter.com/colbyfayock/status/1329827894122704902
Journey to Dev A newsletter focused on building human-centered skills helping others build a career in development. https://journeyto.dev/
Let's Discuss: Developer Relations A candid look into DevRel and what it's like becoming a Developer Advocate featuring community leaders around the web. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_q_bWATVJTg
From Design to Development Crash Course Free YouTube course starting from scratch in Figma working through a component library in Storybook to a full stack Next.js app with authentication via Netli...
50 Projects for React and the Static Web A free ebook including 50 project ideas for developers complete with project briefs, layout ideas, and resources to get started. https://50reactprojects.com
Jamstack Handbook Deep dive into building fast, performant web apps with the Jamstack and how to get started. https://jamstackhandbook.com/
Learn Next.js in 10 Tweets Digging into the basics of building web apps with Next.js. https://twitter.com/colbyfayock/status/1362407526222995456
Next.js WordPress Starter Scaling WordPress with the power of Next.js and the static web! https://github.com/colbyfayock/next-wordpress-starter