Joshua Richards
  • @compagnie_clapot
  • Tullins, France
  • He/him

Compagnie Clapotis is a non-profit theatre company that aims to bring immersive theatre to communities through productions, workshops, and the exploration of unique performance spaces, as well as supporting the development of creative arts across France and Europe. 

Compagnie Clapotis creates productions that empower a diverse range of international voices, with a focus on representation for all. We are devoted to fostering relationships with international theatre companies and supporting intercultural artistic communities.

Compagnie Clapotis prioritises the conception of multidisciplinary work that explores immersive and multilingual performance, and both classical and modern texts. We are invested in deepening the craft of performance creation by prioritising its artists, and using a residency based approach as a critical part of the artistic process. 

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