C. Lewis
- @ctjlewis
- JS/TS Contributor: Auth0, AWS, Google, MSFT, Netlify, Rollup, Vercel
- Chicago
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tsmodule TypeScript Module Toolkit Replaces tszip, allows for modular component libraries and pure ESM packages. https://github.com/tsmodule/tsmodule
tszip (deprecated) TypeScript to ESM compiler Released preview build; currently testing and iterating. Produces minified ESM with native index resolution (see README). https://github.com/tszip/tszip
Rollup Plugins Added .cjs to default file extensions for the CommonJS plugin, consistent with modern Node module resolution spec. https://github.com/rollup/plugins/pull/524
Vercel Next.js CLI Adds documentation for the new --typescript, --ts flag. https://github.com/vercel/next.js/pull/25349