
tsmodule TypeScript Module Toolkit Replaces tszip, allows for modular component libraries and pure ESM packages. https://github.com/tsmodule/tsmodule
tszip (deprecated) TypeScript to ESM compiler Released preview build; currently testing and iterating. Produces minified ESM with native index resolution (see README). https://github.com/tszip/tszip
Rollup Plugins Added .cjs to default file extensions for the CommonJS plugin, consistent with modern Node module resolution spec. https://github.com/rollup/plugins/pull/524
Vercel Next.js CLI Adds documentation for the new --typescript, --ts flag. https://github.com/vercel/next.js/pull/25349
Netlify Netlify CLI Fixes an inconsistency between Netlify CLI and Netlify server logic, adds full support for * wildcard in rules. https://github.com/netlify/cli/pull/1777
Vercel Next.js CLI Added TypeScript template support to NextJS CLI, accessible via: create-next-app --typescript https://github.com/vercel/next.js/pull/24655
Microsoft TypeScript Clarifies an error for ES module output which emits invalid ES if the original directions were followed. For output > ES2015, users are now instructed to change imports to: imp...
Google Closure Compiler Fixes an error caused by the Closure Builder with the --root flag passed. https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/pull/3633
Google Closure Compiler Adds ability to test the Closure Compiler's jscomp runtime tests on an open source stack. Previously, these could only be run internally at Google. https://github.com/google...
Google Closure Compiler Migrates the Compiler to Bazel build process for jscomp runtime tests. https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/pull/3746
Google Closure Compiler Adds support for all Unicode identifiers, including extended characters, in order to conform to the ECMAScript specification as closely as possible. https://github.com/googl...
Auth0 React Library Added ability to easily check JWT claims in the withAuthenticationRequired higher-order-component (HOC). https://github.com/auth0/auth0-react/pull/211
Amazon Web Services Amplify CLI Fixed a high-impact Amplify bug which broke the CLI for all users who enabled more than one advanced feature. Advised users on repairing broken projects generated by...