Christopher Pitts
  • @cwpitts
Christopher Pitts is a computer scientist at Sandia National Laboratories, where his department focuses on work in autonomous sensing and perception. He recently introduced continuous integration to the development process of several large projects at Sandia, and one of his teams recently won a Labs-wide Employee Recognition Award. He also teaches computer science classes part-time as an adjunct faculty member at Brigham Young University-Idaho. When he's not working on things he can't talk about, or sending his students Princess Bride quotes, he enjoys losing board games to his wife, building a programmable smart home, and telling his toddler why she should love penguins.

Disclaimer: This is a personal profile, and the content is not endorsed or approved in any way by Sandia National Laboratories.
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Dec 2019 - Present

R&D S&E Computer Scientist, Sandia National Laboratories