Daksh U.
  • @daksh_u
  • A Web Developer, Product Manager, & Music aficionado with over 6 years of experience. Currently working at Viking Cloud, based in Mississauga, Ontario.
  • Mississauga, Ontario
Hi there! I'm Daksh, a Senior Software Engineer based in Mississauga, Ontario. With over 6 years of experience, I've honed my skills in HTML, coding, and all things tech. When I'm not working, you can find me indulging in my love for anime or working remotely, enjoying the freedom and flexibility it offers. Let's connect and geek out over all things HTML!
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Sep 2021 - Present

Senior Software Engineer, Viking Cloud

Jun 2018 - Aug 2021

Software Engineer, Logiciel Solutions India

Jun 2014 - Apr 2018

Computer Engineering, Gujarat Technological University (GTU)