Took a course on public speaking
I've taken a course on Public Speaking and Diction. It consisted of an eight-week-long training, with every Monday of each week being an in-person meeting and practice.

During every in-person meeting, I would learn about a new type of speech, tools that can help deliver it, how to deal with bored or problematic listners. We would learn about what goes into making a speech, what's the introduction, the main part, and the ending. 
How to carefully craft it so as many listeners as possible are engaged, with enough fixed, measurable information and numbers but not too many as to bore or lose the part of the public that don't enjoy hearing an overwhelming amount of numbers.

They also included learning about diction, theory, and practice. This included a lot of exercise in order to be able to control and express as much as possible of the speech through body language. Face muscles exercise were regular, as well as breathing, and speaking. This would be the actual physical aspect of the training that would help deliver, the speech by better controlling the body.

Overall, this was a very fulfilling experience the experience of which I can use everywhere in life, from buying something from the grocery store to speaking to colleagues at work.