Dara Songye
  • @darasongye
  • Inner Life Coach
  • Northern California

Uncommon software engineers driven to transform a critical work performance challenge are who I'm here for.

Underneath this struggle are unspoken, inner life misfires – rooted in areas of unchecked, hidden spiritual imbalance.

Work performance challenges rooted in repetitive, cyclical patterns of thought, emotion and behavior — even after shifting responsibilities, changing jobs, companies, locations, teams, or pay grade — are a fundamental ⇢ inner life ⇢ issue.

Transforming your identity, values, and where you source innate worth and drive from are at stake. That’s the foundation I help you investigate, excavate, clean up, and build anew from.

My coaching approach

• Immersive

• Exploratory

• Direct

• Strategic

• Compassion-driven

•  Somatically-focused [body-based]


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Oct 2020 - Present

Founder, Inner Life Coach, Unstruck Ventures