08 Dec, 202408 Dec, 20241.7 - Setting up a GitHub Action to automatically list our episodes (Live Coding)Delivering a livestream
Join us as we dive into the world of GitHub Actions and live-code our way through setting up an automated system to list episodes from our podcast, As ANY. Watch as we tackle bugs, fix issues, and face the occasional crisis – all while celebrating those small but sweet moments of achievement! 🚀✨
Whether you're a coding newbie or a seasoned pro, this livestream is full of insights, laughs, and real-time problem solving. You’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at our process and see how we overcome obstacles together. Come for the code, stay for the moments of joy!
Recording (high quality) 👉 https://youtu.be/iDwMhFh9r7o
Read More26 Nov, 202426 Nov, 20241.6 - Technical SEO & Web Performance with Estela | As ANYDelivering a livestreamWant to master Technical SEO and Web Performance? In this episode, we sit down with Estela Franco to dive into her expert insights on these crucial topics. Estela shares her experience, the tools you can use to identify and fix website issues, the latest trends in the industry, and much more.
Estela, also known as guaca, is a passionate Web Performance advocate, Jamstack enthusiast, and Technical SEO expert. Don't miss out on her valuable tips for optimizing your website and staying ahead of the curve!
Live 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDcDutjZrp8
Recording (high quality) 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNCP8HG_C04
Spotify version: https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/as-any/episodes/1-6---Technical-SEO--Web-Performance-with-Estela-e2rk327
Read More20 Nov, 202420 Nov, 20241.5 - 2024 Trends & developer state of reports | As ANYDelivering a livestreamThis time, we had a look at the many reports that come out each year, State of HTML, State of CSS, State of JS ... 🤖 To see what they are telling us about the state of our industry, potential areas for growth and gaps in the system.
We discussed sentiments in the tech community, new shiny features and much-overlooked attributes we need to do more homework on 🤓
The State of JS survey is currently open and anybody who uses #JavaScript or #TypeScript can answer - you don't have to be a full-time dev to answer, there is no minimum requirement of work experience. So don't hesitate, fill it out 📝 https://survey.devographics.com/en-US/survey/state-of-js/2024
Live 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYETgt08ZFg
Recording (high quality) 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzXSQ49ii-E
Spotify version: https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/as-any/episodes/1-5---2024-Trends--developer-state-of-reports-e2rafmi
Read More30 Oct, 202430 Oct, 20241.4 - Growth & Community Work with Vasilika | As ANYDelivering a livestreamJoin us as we chat with Vasilika Klimova, a Community Organizer, about the challenges and opportunities in the tech industry. We delve into topics ranging from navigating layoffs to building strong Developer Relations and rebranding the Luxembourg JavaScript Meet-ups. Get inspired by Vasilika's insights and learn how to thrive in a rapidly changing tech landscape.
Our guest, Vasilika Klimova, is a Software Engineer with over 14 years of experience. A familiar face at numerous conferences, she’s a sought-after speaker. Her dedication has earned her prestigious titles like Google Developer Expert (GDE), Microsoft MVP, and WTM Ambassador. We were thrilled to have her on the show to share her experience with us.
Live 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2G1M7fMF5w
Recording (high quality) 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GcQv-IAGgY
Read More15 Oct, 202415 Oct, 20241.3 - Pet Projects with Arisa, Josi & Alba | As ANYDelivering a livestreamWho hasn't had a little project besides work at some point? Even when you start new in the tech world, it seems like it is practically a must to have or consider having a pet project.
That's why we, Arisa, Josi and Alba, decided to discuss the topic with our audience, talk about what a pet project is and what it means for your career, show the ones we have been working on recently and discuss a future project together!
Live 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTrVun7nx5g
Recording (high quality) 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ad-mpmTlhs
Read More24 Sep, 202424 Sep, 20241.2 - Learning how to write & publish technical books with Maya Shavin | As ANYDelivering a livestreamWant to know how to write a tech book? Join us in this second episode as we chat with Maya Shaving, a seasoned tech author, about her journey writing a book. From finding inspiration to navigating the publishing process, Maya shares her tips and insights learned along the process. Watch now to discover if writing a tech book is for you!
Live 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUF9gBteeco
Recording (high quality) 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MulXhuTNdqk
Read More12 Sep, 202412 Sep, 2024"El poder de las Web Extensions" at MiduConf 2024Speaking at a conferenceI recently participated in the largest live event for programmers in the Spanish-speaking tech community, #MiduConf 2024.
During my presentation, I talked about the importance of web extensions and gave an overview of the essential elements required to develop them. I discussed Manifest v3, its components and contexts, and highlighted helpful packages for development. Furthermore, I provided two practical examples to demonstrate how to create functionalities and shared resources, and I also shared a repository to showcase the concepts I covered during the presentation.
Conference 👉 https://www.miduconf.com/#agenda
Slides 👉 https://bit.ly/talk-poder-web-ext
Repository 👉 https://bit.ly/wave-image-downloader
Read More10 Sep, 202410 Sep, 20241.1 - Welcome to As ANY! Chatting with Arisa, Josi & AlbaDelivering a livestreamWe have launched our new bi-monthly video podcast called “As ANY”.
In our first live stream, the three of us sit down to kick off and explain the purpose of the new podcast. We talk about where we come from, where we are headed, and discuss all things tech and beyond 🚀
Our goal is to make everyone feel welcome in the tech industry by reminding them that we all belong in tech! 💜
Streaming 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNRwVMYGVnk
Read More31 Jul, 202431 Jul, 2024GirlCode Coffee Chat ☕️ Special In-person - Organising inclusive tech events with JuliaSpeaking on a YouTube VideoIn this very special episode, recorded at Google I/O Connect Berlin 2024, we invited Julia Heidinger, Co-Founder of Social Developers Club, to talk with us about everything related to Developer Events and organizing inclusive and welcoming meetups.
Watch the recording at 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=098haUL2faw
Read More13 Jul, 202413 Jul, 2024Participated in Deco.cx Hackathon with Nestor PlysyukParticipating in a hackathonThis past weekend, I participated in the https://deco.cx/ hackathon. I was the front-end developer & designer of the project, and Nestor Plysyuk participated with me as a full-stack.
We needed to experiment with HTMX, Deno, Fresh, and Deco.cx itself and build a website of any kind. We wanted to do something funny and interactive, so we created "Dev Squad" aimed at making your dream team selection with the techfluencers we have nowadays.
Hackathon official page 👉 https://deco.cx/hackathon5
Draft project 👉 https://github.com/deco-sites/dev-squad
Read More24 Jun, 202424 Jun, 2024GirlCode Break Time ☕️ #22 - Is Web 3 still a thing? Learning Blockchain with JessyLivestreaming on TwitchJoin us for Girl Code Coffee Break — our casual monthly get-together. Let's chat about things in Tech that we care about but address too little.
Join us and Jessy The for a live discussion to explore the current state of Web 3 and blockchain technology. Is Web 3 still a relevant concept? Is it worth learning about blockchain? Tune in and find out if Web 3 is still a thing!
Meetup event page 👉 https://www.meetup.com/girlcodemeetups/events/298302456/
Read More27 May, 202427 May, 2024Entrevistada para un artículo de ThinkBig Telefónica sobre la IASpeaking on a magazine interviewHe participado en este artículo en el que se debatía si los programadores debemos "preocuparnos" por la IA. Aparezco como testimonio del uso que hago de la IA y mi opinión, sensaciones iniciales, con su uso en nuestro gremio.
Puedes leer el artículo completo en 👉 https://blogthinkbig.com/programadores-inteligencia-artificial/
Read More23 May, 202423 May, 2024GirlCode Break Time ☕️ #21 - All things Solid.js with Daniel AfonsoLivestreaming on TwitchJoin us for Girl Code Coffee Break - our casual monthly get-together. Let's chat about things in Tech that we care about but address too little.
This time, a Solid.js superhero, Daniel Afonso, join us to teach us all things Solid & its meta-framework, Solid Start, and how it differs from other modern frameworks 🚀
Hosted at the Storyblok Twitch on the meetup page 👉 https://www.meetup.com/girlcodemeetups/events/298302453/
Read More30 Apr, 202430 Apr, 2024GirlCode Break Time ☕️ #20 - Behind the Scenes of Full-Time Open SourceLivestreaming on TwitchJoin us for Girl Code Coffee Break - our casual monthly get-together. Let's chat about things in Tech that we care about but address too little.
This time, we'll have our friend Elian from the Astro Core Team on Stream to discuss what it means to work in Open Source full-time and all the amazing things going on behind the scenes of community work and Astro 🚀
Hosted at the Storyblok Twitch on the meetup page 👉 https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/girlcodemeetups/events/298302448/
Read More25 Apr, 202425 Apr, 2024MCing Vue.js Live conf 2024Moderating a conferenceMCing VueJSLiveI was lucky enough to be approached to co-present the 8-hour #VueJSLive 2024 event. From presenting the talks, moderating the stream and leading Q&A sessions, to panel discussions and interesting backstage conversations, I learned a lot and enjoyed the experience like a little girl.
Read More02 Apr, 202402 Apr, 2024Ep. 124 La empresa: DevRel de PEUM podcastSpeaking at a podcastI participated in the "Programar es una Mierda" podcast season focused on "The Company," where each episode featured discussions with experts in various fields regarding the necessary steps to begin working in those areas.
I was invited to discuss DevRel, its significance, the essential roles needed to establish an effective team, and the associated costs.
What the recording at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mw2AjohQFI
Read More26 Mar, 202426 Mar, 2024GirlCode Break Time ☕️ #19 - Seniorities, different levels of dev rolesLivestreaming on TwitchJoin us for Girl Code Coffee Break - our casual monthly get-together. Let's chat about things in Tech that we care about, but address way too little.
We chat about seniorities in the tech ecosystem with Lisi Linhart, Principal Frontend Architect, and Lorena Ramonda, Senior Frontend Developer.
Hosted at the Storyblok Twitch on the meetup page 👉 https://www.meetup.com/girlcodemeetups/events/298302444/
Read More15 Mar, 202415 Mar, 2024Attending a Developer Advocacy Bootcamp: Expanding My Toolkit (Feb 12th - Mar 21st)Taking a course on Developer AdvocacyI recently completed a Developer Advocacy Bootcamp, a six-week program with a different session a week, running from February 12th to March 21st.
This bootcamp, organized for the GDE program from Google, focused on the core skills needed for Developer Advocates, including effective communication through talks and workshops, crafting engaging demos, and creating developer-focused content in writing.
Read More13 Mar, 202413 Mar, 2024Add a headless CMS with Live Preview to Qwik in 5 minutesWriting an articleI recently launched an article on how to add a headless CMS with Live Preview to Qwik in 5 minutes. I provide a clear roadmap to get you started, walking you through the steps to set up a Qwik project, integrate Storyblok, create Qwik components, and enable real-time editing.
Check the article at 👉 https://www.storyblok.com/tp/add-a-headless-cms-with-live-preview-to-qwik-in-5-minutes
Find the boilerplate ready to use at 👉 https://github.com/storyblok/qwik-5-min-tutorial
Read More27 Feb, 202427 Feb, 2024GirlCode Break Time ☕️ #18 - Diving into CSS interactivityLivestreaming on TwitchJoin us for Girl Code Coffee Break - our casual monthly get-together. Let's chat about things in Tech that we care about, but address way too little.
This time we invited to our livestream Carmen Ansio and Thomas Sweet to dive into CSS!
Hosted at the Storyblok Twitch on the meetup page 👉 https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/girlcodemeetups/events/298302400/
Read More13 Feb, 202413 Feb, 2024La (re)evolución del CMS #SamsungDevSpainWriting an articlePost at SamsungDevSpainEsta semana se ha publicado el artículo que escribí para Samsung Dev Spain. En el podrás descubrir cómo los CMS han evolucionado desde sus inicios hasta hoy, pasando del monolítico a los CMS sin cabeza y la tendencia "composable", en este artículo trato de ofrecerte una visión completa de la historia y el panorama actual de la gestión de contenidos.
Aprende sobre las ventajas de cada tipo de CMS y cómo elegir el adecuado para tu proyecto. Además de conocer las últimas tendencias en el desarrollo de CMS y cómo estas pueden ayudarte a crear experiencias de usuario excepcionales.
¡Si te interesa la gestión de contenidos, no te pierdas este artículo!
Read More30 Jan, 202430 Jan, 2024GirlCode Break Time ☕️ #17 - Self Care & Well BeingLivestreaming on TwitchJoin us for GirlCode Coffee Break - our casual monthly get-together. Let's chat about things in Tech that we care about but address too little.
We invited Vasilika Klimova, a DevRel at Kadena, to discuss self-care and well-being in the tech ecosystem.
Meetup event page 👉 https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/girlcodemeetups/events/298302018/
Read More25 Jan, 202425 Jan, 2024Written interview as FE developer at FunTech Rocket 🇪🇸Interviewed by FunTech RocketI was interviewed about my journey in the technology sector, how I discovered programming, how I feel as a woman in this career, and why I started creating tech content. Trying to give some advice for young women who are thinking of jumping into this sector to have stories to feel related to.
Check it out 👉 https://blog.funtechrocket.education/2024/01/25/entrevista-a-alba-silvente/
Read More25 Jan, 202425 Jan, 2024BeJS Podcast #5: A chat with Alba SilventeTalking on a PodcastFor the fifth episode of the BeJS Podcast, organized by the Belgian JavaScript Community and hosted by Elian Van Cutsem, they invited me to talk about my career development, my experience living in the Netherlands, and how it is to be a woman in tech.
I didn't know how much I needed to attend this podcast 🔥
Watch it here 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0KjQ0s5l0A
Read More2023
12 Dec, 202312 Dec, 2023GirlCode Break Time ☕️ #16 - Year in ReviewLivestreaming on Twitch
As the year is coming to an end, we will have a look and review: What happened in 2023? What cool technologies and new features popped up? What was exciting? What are we looking forward tech-wise in 2024? We'd love for you to join us and our conversation, as always.
YouTube recording 👉
Original meetup 👉 https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/girlcodemeetups/events/297696647/
Read More11 Dec, 202311 Dec, 2023Roundtable about DX at Atlassian Presents: UnleashHosting a roundtableAt the Atlassian event in Amsterdam, I led a panel discussion on Developer Experience and participated in other chats on the same topic during the rest of the event.
It was a pleasure to learn about the experiences of the other members of the tables, especially the views and shapes of DX from different industries and product perspectives.
Official event site 👉 https://events.atlassian.com/unleash
Read More28 Nov, 202328 Nov, 2023#7 - Hablemos de la experiencia del desarrollador (DX)Launched a new episodeSpeaking at En los Zapatos de una DevRel7.o episodio del pódcast “En los zapatos de una DevRel” 🎙
En este episodio os hablo sobre la experiencia del desarrollador (DX), su importancia en cualquier proyecto tecnológico y cómo las empresas pueden empezar a mejorarla.
Vídeo completo 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_eCAAJkEc0
Versión pódcast 👉 https://open.spotify.com/episode/25ISLA0XnbcX2lo5t7C11W?si=Tlth3WrDRNiW9vVmpKPa9g
Read More21 Nov, 202321 Nov, 2023Create a Preview Environment for Your Nuxt 3 WebsiteWriting an articleWrota an article at Storyblok docsIn this tutorial, we will explore how to deploy a Nuxt & Storyblok website on Netlify using two approaches. First, as a static site with a preview plugin, and then as two separate deployed environments: preview and production.
Original article 👉 https://www.storyblok.com/tp/create-a-preview-environment-for-your-nuxt-3-website
Read More13 Nov, 202313 Nov, 2023#6 - Documentando tu producto techLaunched a new episodeSpeaking at En los Zapatos de una DevRel6.o episodio del pódcast “En los zapatos de una DevRel” 🎙
En este vídeo, hablaremos de la importancia de la documentación técnica y de cómo puede afectar al crecimiento de tu producto. También veremos los diferentes tipos de documentación técnica y cómo debería ser la situación ideal desde mi punto de vista.
Vídeo completo 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNXJUVNaY-w
Versión pódcast 👉 https://open.spotify.com/episode/2GDWqsLTJEtrqMnaygRJuP?si=rQ6uTnixQ6OS69_GENpEDQ
Read More07 Nov, 202307 Nov, 2023I'm officially an EggHead instructor 🎉Publishing a lesson on EggHead.ioI was recently approached to create a course at EggHead as an instructor! To get used to the screencasting method they have on this platform, I have published my first single lesson 👉 https://egghead.io/tips/create-a-prerelease-channel-in-your-npm-package-using-semantic-release
For my part, quality content is coming in the form of courses on this platform. I am very excited!
Read More18 Oct, 202318 Oct, 2023#5 - Cómo hacer charlas de producto sin vender la motoLaunched a new episodeSpeaking at En los Zapatos de una DevRel5.o episodio del pódcast “En los zapatos de una DevRel” 🎙
En este episodio comparto lo que me hubiera gustado saber antes de dar mi primera charla. Te cuento los consejos que me han servido para crear contenido que promocione mi empresa o producto sin llegar a ser "pesada" y sobre cómo podemos conectar mejor con la audiencia.
Vídeo completo 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0Ls2h-ZfQk
Versión pódcast 👉 https://open.spotify.com/episode/6QsGFSYkIP2tjtWi2xPyP2?si=55X3peiSS-ahLoqj_HZgWw
Read More30 Sep, 202330 Sep, 2023#4 - ¿Cómo es representar a tu empresa en una conferencia tech?Launched a new episodeSpeaking at En los Zapatos de una DevRel4.o episodio del pódcast “En los zapatos de una DevRel” 🎙
En este cuarto episodio os hablo de mi experiencia este último año representando al producto de mi empresa en eventos tecnológicos, las responsabilidades que se me han asignado y lo que me hubiera gustado saber antes de empezar esta aventura. Además de ponerle contexto a la frase de moda: #DoingTheDevRelThingAgain 🧳 y comentar en qué conferencias tiene o no sentido que haya un DevRel.
Vídeo completo 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWo7OwxkBTc
Versión pódcast 👉 https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/en-los-zapatos-de-devrel/episodes/4---Cmo-es-representar-a-tu-empresa-en-una-conferencia-tech-e29sbh1
Read More30 Sep, 202330 Sep, 2023GirlCode Break Time ☕️ #13 - Bun 1.0 & Astro 3.0Livestreaming on TwitchThis month, September, we invited Roberto Butti, our colleague from Storyblok, to discover together what's new in Bun 1.0 & Astro 3.0!
Let's catch up and experiment with frontend trends with nice afternoon coffee/tea ☕️
YouTube recording 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hda9y8GFQQ
Original meetup 👉 https://www.meetup.com/girlcodemeetups/events/294470352/
Read More27 Sep, 202327 Sep, 2023Participated in "Global Hispanic and Latino Developers Share How They Use Google Tools" Google Devs articleAppeared in a Google Developers articleDeveloper Journey is a monthly series highlighting diverse and global developers sharing relatable challenges, opportunities, and wins in their journey. Every month, they spotlight developers around the world, the Google tools we leverage, and the kind of products we are building.
In celebration of Hispanic and Latin Heritage, they spoke with developers from Mexico & Spain and they included my story there 😍
Read the article at 👉 https://developers.googleblog.com/2023/09/global-hispanic-and-latino-developers-share-how-they-use-google-tools.html
Read More27 Sep, 202327 Sep, 2023#3 - ¿Cómo preparar una demo para un cliente?Launched a new episodeSpeaking at En los Zapatos de una DevRel3.er episodio del pódcast “En los zapatos de una DevRel” 🎙
¿Alguna vez te has preguntado que hay detrás de las demos de producto tecnológico? ¿Si conllevan desarrollo o es una demostración de las características del producto de forma superficial?
En este episodio te cuento todo lo que hay detrás, cómo es dar una demo a cliente cómo DevRel en Storyblok, cómo nos la preparamos y los recursos que utilizamos para estar siempre al día con las últimas features. Todo esto con mi punto de vista personal y mi experiencia durante este último año.
Vídeo completo 👉 https://youtu.be/VWLcg18T8uE
Versión pódcast 👉 https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/en-los-zapatos-de-devrel/episodes/3---Cmo-preparar-una-demo-para-un-cliente-e29a9hj
Read More30 Aug, 202330 Aug, 2023#2 - ¿Qué es un programa de “Ambassadors” (embajadores) para desarrolladores?Launched a new podcastSpeaking at En los Zapatos de una DevRel2.do episodio del pódcast "En los zapatos de una DevRel" 🎙
¿Conoces el papel de un programa de embajadores en un producto tecnológico o proyecto de código abierto? ¿Te preguntas si un ambassador puede llegar a convertirse en miembro del equipo? ¿Le pagan por sus contribuciones a un embajador?
En este episodio te cuento cuál es el objetivo de un programa de ambassadors, qué beneficios nos aporta tanto a los miembros de la comunidad de desarrolladores como a las empresas y quién lleva a cabo todos los procesos internamente. Además de contarte mi experiencia formando parte de tres programas con diferentes fines, empezando como ambassador de un proyecto open source llamado NuxtLabs, pasando por un producto tecnológico de pago Storyblok, hasta llegar a un programa de expertos a nivel mundial #GoogleDeveloperExperts.
Vídeo completo 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwrlf2ARgF8
Versión pódcast 👉 https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/en-los-zapatos-de-devrel/episodes/2---Qu-es-un-programa-de-Ambassadors-embajadores-para-desarrolladores-e28mclh
¿Te han entrado ganas de convertirte en Ambassador? ¡Mira el programa de tu tecnología o producto tecnológico de confianza y prueba suerte! Y por supuesto, no dudes en contactarme si estás interesada en convertirte en #gde 💜
Read More15 Aug, 202315 Aug, 2023#1 - ¿Qué significa ser DevRel? ¿Es lo mismo que Developer Advocate?Launched a new podcastSpeaking at En los Zapatos de una DevRel1.er episodio del pódcast "En los zapatos de una DevRel" 🎙
En este episodio os cuento de qué trata Developer Relations, qué diferencias hay con Developer Advocacy, las tareas que desempeña un DevRel en una empresa de producto tecnológico y los pilares fundamentales de un equipo de DevRels. Además de compartir mis conclusiones de porqué este rol es importante en una empresa de producto y los recursos que he utilizado a lo largo de este año como Developer Relations Engineer en Storyblok.
Vídeo completo 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_MEDcptJXk
Versión pódcast 👉 https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/en-los-zapatos-de-devrel/episodes/1---Qu-significa-ser-DevRel--Es-lo-mismo-que-Developer-Advocate-e283b36
Me encantaría conocer tu experiencia y tu opinión sobre este rol, no dudes en dejarme tus pensamientos en comentarios y definamos juntas el futuro de este término.
Read More27 Jul, 202327 Jul, 2023GirlCode Break Time ☕️ #11 - Journey to become DevRelsLivestreamed on TwitchThis week, we welcome our amazing colleague, Alexa Spalato (https://twitter.com/alexadark), to talk about her journey to become a DevRel along with ours 🥑
Original meetup 👉 https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/girlcodemeetups/events/294450293/
Read More04 Jul, 202304 Jul, 2023Charla “Una saga de infortunios de renderizado web” en DevBCNImpartiendo charla en DevBCNDel 3 al 5 de Julio se celebraba la conferencia DevBCN en el recinto La Farga.
Tuve la suerte de poder dar mi primera charla en Español en el escenario y probar la experiencia, sin duda quiero repetir me sentí más cómoda 😍
En esta ocasión, hable sobre renderizado web y Jamstack, la idea es ir añadiendo nuevos métodos de renderizado con el tiempo para que sea como una saga, literalmente.
Read More28 Jun, 202328 Jun, 2023Evento para hablar de Notion y sus entresijosDirecto en el Discord de No me da la vida¡Desde el pódcast No me da la vida organizamos nuestro primer eventillo en la comunidad de Discord, esta vez para tratar el tema de Notion, conocer más esta herramienta y echarnos unas risotas ya de paso!
El evento tuvo lugar en el canal escenario llamado #quedadas 👉 https://t.co/65xCcmGM0P
Pronto iremos haciendo directos regularmente para que nos vayamos conociendo más y podamos compartir conocimiento con las oyentes 💜
Read More27 Jun, 202327 Jun, 2023GirlCode Break Time ☕️ #10 - Playwright (e2e testing)Livestreamed on TwitchThis week, we are joined by no other than the amazing Debbie O'Brien (https://twitter.com/debs_obrien), to talk about End-to-End Testing and all things Playwright ✨
Original meetup 👉 https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/girlcodemeetups/events/294041655/
YouTube video 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uB6bOQV18X0
Read More15 Jun, 202315 Jun, 2023Developing Dynamic Blogs with SvelteKit & Storyblok workshopTeaching a Svelte workshopI taught this SvelteKit workshop with my colleague Roberto at GitNation.
Check the recording at 👉 https://portal.gitnation.org/contents/developing-dynamic-blogs-with-sveltekit-and-storyblok-a-hands-on-workshop
In it, we explore the integration of 3rd party services, such as Storyblok, in a SvelteKit project, we learn how to create a SvelteKit project, leverage Svelte components, and connect to external APIs.
And in the end, we cover important concepts including SSR, CSR, static site generation, and deploying the application using adapters.
Read More31 May, 202331 May, 2023GirlCode Break Time ☕️ #09 - Web AccessibilityLivestreamed on TwitchIn this session, we chat with the amazing Anuradha Kumari (@miracle_404) about all about Web Accessibility.
Original meetup 👉 https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/girlcodemeetups/events/293678956/
Read More12 May, 202312 May, 2023"A Saga of web rendering woes" at Vue.js Live LondonSpoke at a conferenceThis Friday at #VueJSLive I gave my talk on web rendering strategies, and received wonderful feedback from the audience 😍 Time to celebrate, keep growing and improve my delivery!
This talk looked at the evolution of web rendering modes and what the Jamstack movement is all about. We will build a demo project to show how a static site generator and a Headless CMS can be combined to create dynamic and engaging stories while maintaining a static site's performance and scalability benefits.
Recording 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3_Mse1htlE
Read More10 May, 202310 May, 2023Creando Comunidades Tech: Experiencias CompartidasRoundtable at CodemotionEste miércoles participé en una mesa redonda sobre comunidades tech, “Creando Comunidades Tech: Experiencias Compartidas”, en la Codemotion Madrid 2023, junto a otros creadores de contenido de habla hispana: Míriam González, Moure Dev y Veritechie, hosteada por Irene Ruiz.
En ella debatimos sobre las diferentes formas de crear contenido, las perspectivas de cada uno, que supone crear contenido online hoy en día, el esfuerzo que hay detrás, cómo organizamos nuestro tiempo y cuando tiene sentido monetizarlo. Desde puntos de vista muy diferentes dimos una visión general de como está el panorama de la creación de contenido y las diferentes variantes.
Read More04 May, 202304 May, 2023Vue best practices at Twitter SpacesParticipated in a Vue Twitter SpaceLast May 4th I participated in a discussion about best practices in the Vue ecosystem with colleagues from the community, talking about common problems, open source, Nuxt and modules, among other things.
The recording is available here 👉 https://twitter.com/VueJSLive/status/1653768764905627652
Read More19 Apr, 202319 Apr, 2023I gave a Jamstack workshop at WebExpo 2023 in PragueTaught a Jamstack WorkshopSpoke at WebExpo PragueAt Storyblok we always want to show the community the options they have to build performant and scalable websites using modern technologies—that's what we did at WebExpo this year! 🎉
Together with Sam, we taught a free workshop on “How to create and deploy your Nuxt website on Jamstack architecture” showcasing how to build a blog from scratch 'till the deployed version of it.
Read More03 Apr, 202303 Apr, 2023E49: Divulgando sobre tecnología con Míriam González y Alba SilventeSpeaking at Savvily podcastMíriam y yo nos pasamos por el último episodio de #NiCeroNiUno, para hablar de nuestro trabajo y pasión por la divulgación tecnológica y de nuestro pódcast No me da la vida 🦄
Read More21 Mar, 202321 Mar, 2023GirlCode Break Time ☕️ #07 - Community programmesLivestreamed on TwitchIn this session we discussed everything about ambassador programmes and how they might help us develop our knowledge, make new connections and/or build a career.
We had 2 guests from our ambassador program to tell their experiences in this kind of groups and creating content for a technology/product.
Original meetup 👉 https://www.meetup.com/girlcodemeetups/events/292103673/
YouTube video 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK680AxzyJw
Read More03 Mar, 202303 Mar, 2023I'm a graduate of "Intro UI design" at DribbbleGraduated from UI designLast month I took the Introduction to UI design course, and I'm finally graduated 🎉
I'm so happy with the outcome of the course. I have learned a lot, from seeding the idea to seeing it prototyped and scalable. And the mentor I had, Natalia Veretenyk, was a sweetheart and helped us a lot with every doubt and lesson. I hope to stay in touch with her in the long term.
My Dribbble profile with the course exercises 👉 https://dribbble.com/Dawntraoz
I was lucky enough that the Dribbble team had my testimonial for their blog 🤩
Here you can read the interview 👉 https://dribbble.com/resources/alba-silvente-ui-design-student-success
Read More23 Feb, 202323 Feb, 2023GirlCode Break Time ☕️ #06 - State of JSLivestreamed on TwitchIn this live stream of GirlCode Coffee Break, a casual monthly get together, we talked about the State of JS/CSS reports, summarizing interesting industry trends, new JS libraries and frameworks.
We discussed our findings, thoughts, and demographics with the creator of these projects, the one and only Sacha Greif. It was a super-inspiring round table where we discovered the human side of these projects and their impact on the tech community.
Original meetup 👉 https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/girlcodemeetups/events/291157996/
YouTube video 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pN-WiWUzbaQ
Read More31 Jan, 202331 Jan, 2023Code & Chill with Storyblok #4 - VueJS EditionCo-hosted a live streamI co-hosted a live stream with Eduardo San Martin Morote (Vue Router & Pinia author @ Vue Core team) and Juan Andrés Núñez (EscuelaVue founder & Frontend Engineer @ Doctoralia) as speakers.
We talked about how to contribute or start with open source. They taught us the new way to do routing in Vue and how to learn what's new in Vue through challenges, trying a few to exemplify it!
Recording 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERItzc8Y44Y
Read More26 Jan, 202326 Jan, 2023Shout out in the GDE #EuropeSummitReceived a shoutout from GoogleIn the keynote speech at the #ExpertSummit event organized by the Google GDE program, I was given a special mention for my work in the community through my podcast with Míriam, “No me da la vida”.
Read More23 Jan, 202323 Jan, 2023Starting "Intro UI design" course at DribbbleTaking a UI Design courseI've always been interested in the world of design; since I started in web development, I have always tried to design my projects, and I have worked hand in hand with top designers, making their designs come true.
At the end of last year, I signed up for a design course to learn how to create my designs from scratch and make them beautiful, consistent, and scalable, using modern tools like Figma and patterns as high-fidelity design systems, taking my pet projects to another level 🚀
So during February, I will be following this course in my free time and sharing my progress on Dribbble.
My Dribbble profile → https://dribbble.com/Dawntraoz
Intro UI Design course → https://dribbble.com/courses/ui-design
Read More2022
26 Dec, 202226 Dec, 2022La comunidad de "No me da la vida" ganó los Manfred AwardsAwarded at Manfred AwardsNuestro pódcast “No me da la vida” fue nominado y votado por la comunidad tech como la mejor comunidad de 2022 en los Manfred Awards.
Tweet a las galardonadas 👉 https://twitter.com/getmanfred/status/1607287192790994945
Gala de entrega (Livestream) 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdnC4f_bz2gRead More24 Nov, 202224 Nov, 2022Storyblok Community Chats #2: Storybook EditionCo-hosted a live streamWe started our event with a warm welcome from Alex and me. We walked the audience through what Storyblok Community Chats is all about and what they can expect in this edition and upcoming streams.
Alba Silvente Fuentes - Developer Relations Engineer @ Storyblok
Alex Jover Morales - Developer Relations Engineer @ Storyblok
Varun - DX Engineer @ Chromatic & Storybook
In this Livestream, Varun showcases how to create the design system documentation of Storybook using a space built on Storyblok.
👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mleY1t2RnOMRead More23 Nov, 202223 Nov, 2022Create a Jamstack site using Nuxt 3 & StoryblokTaught a VueJS workshopTaught a Jamstack WorkshopIn this workshop, we saw how to build a fast, lightweight, and image-optimized website. Using the latest features of Nuxt 3 to create a static website in combination with Storyblok v2, a headless CMS that empowers the content creation of their website.
During the workshop, we did several exercises that made them learn the latest Jamstack trends and left with a functional website to add to their portfolios.Read More21 Nov, 202221 Nov, 2022Interviewed on WebPerf ImpactersWebPerf ImpactersCapítulo 03 - Performance.now() y entrevista a Alba Silvente
En este capítulo Joan, Estela y José nos cuentan noticias de primera mano después de asistir a la conferencia Performance.now() en Ámsterdam y me entrevistan para hablar de Web Performance y Jamstack.
Read More18 Nov, 202218 Nov, 2022Images blast off at the speed of Jamstack!Spoke at a conferenceAll of us, at some point in our career as developers, have had a run-in with image performance. But now we have modern techniques at our disposal that will make us love images again.
We'll see how an Image Service CDN and other performance optimization techniques will allow us to improve the UX and performance in a very easy way.
How? By creating an image gallery made with Nuxt 3 and a headless CMS, allowing us to experience the functionalities of a powerful integrated Image Transformation API and Editor, and creating an image Vue component that can be used in any situation.
My first in person talk ever 🤯
👉 https://2022.vueday.it/schedule/#image-performance-jamstackRead More17 Nov, 202217 Nov, 2022Create a Jamstack site using Nuxt 3 & StoryblokTaught a VueJS workshopTaught a Jamstack WorkshopThis Thursday I was teaching a workshop at #VueDayIT with my colleague Alex Jover.
We built a multilingual blog using the latest stable version of Nuxt 3, just a day after the official release, and Storyblok as headless CMS.
We fixed the @storyblok/nuxt SDK while building the site 🤣 It was an amazing experience, attendees were really interested in the product and eager to learn more about it 👏
We saw how to build a website with multiple languages, optimized images, and performant as light. We were using the new features of Nuxt 3 to create a clean website in combination with Storyblok, a headless CMS that empowers non-dev users to create new pages.
👉 Workshop VueDay IT pageRead More17 Nov, 202217 Nov, 2022A Guide To Image Optimization On Jamstack SitesWrote an article on Smashing MagazineNowadays, images are an essential asset on the web, so optimizing them and being up-to-date with the latest techniques is important. In this article, Alba Silvente shows us the theoretical and practical solutions to the most common problems when working with images and how to automate them by using a headless CMS and an image CDN.
👉 Original articleRead More16 Nov, 202216 Nov, 2022Official Women Techmakers ambassadorBecame a WTM AmbassadorAfter a few months since I sent my application to join the WTM program, I finally received an answer, and it couldn't make me happier!
I am officially a member of the #WTMAmbassadors program. I am looking forward to doing things together and helping to improve the community 😍Read More06 Nov, 202206 Nov, 2022"No me da la vida" nombrado uno de los mejores canales de YouTube en Educación 3.0Mentioned in Educacion 3Mentioned as a referent"No me da la vida" nombrado uno de los mejores canales de YouTube en Educación 3.0 Nuestro pódcast “No me da la vida” ha sido mencionado como uno de los 5 canales de YouTube más interesantes para aprender programación en el medio de comunicación Educación 3.0.
Artículo original 👉 https://www.educaciontrespuntocero.com/recursos/programacion-youtube/Read More01 Nov, 202201 Nov, 2022Build a full-blown multilingual site with Nuxt 3 & StoryblokTaught a workshopThe workshop was all about how to build a website with multiple languages, Internationalization, optimized images, and performant as the light.
Using Nuxt 3 newest features to create a clean website in combination with Storyblok, a headless CMS that will empower it so that even non-dev users will be able to create new pages. Creating dynamic menus in Vue, rendering dynamic pages and Nuxt 3 deployments are just a few things they've learned during the workshop!Read More27 Oct, 202227 Oct, 2022Más allá del front para hablar de Dev Rel!Spoke on a LivestreamAri, tech content creator and frontend developer, invited me to her Twitch channel to talk about the role of a Developer Relations Engineer. To explain what it is, how to get started in it, and break stigmas and convictions about this role.
Twitch video 👉 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1635922457Read More24 Oct, 202224 Oct, 2022GirlCode Break Time ☕️ #03 - Your own brandingWent on a Twitch LivestreamGirlCode Coffee Break is a casual monthly get-together, where they chat about things in Tech that everyone cares about, but address way too little.
This month, they wanted to talk about Your own branding and ask for or share tips. For that, they invited the fabulous Gift Egwuenu and myself, Alba Silvente Fuentes to join them 🎉
Meetup session: https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/girlcodemeetups/events/288440106/Link for the Twitch stream: https://www.twitch.tv/storyblok/Read More19 Oct, 202219 Oct, 2022Create an eCommerce experience driven by Shopify & StoryblokTaught a VueJS workshopTaught a Nuxt 3 and Storyblok workshopI co-taught a workshop with Manuel on headless e-Commerce at Vue.js Forge.
Where we saw how to create a Jamstack site with Nuxt 3 and Storyblok from scratch, connecting our Shopify store and seeing the possibilities and easy integration of these technologies.
Workshop official description
👉 https://vuejsforge.com/workshops/create-an-ecommerce-experience-driven-by-shopify-storyblok
Workshop notes, exercises, official repository & live site
👉 https://bit.ly/storyblok-vueforge-workshopRead More04 Oct, 202204 Oct, 2022Taught a VueJS workshopTaught a Nuxt 3 and Storyblok workshopI taught my first IRL workshop everBuild a full-blown multilingual site with Nuxt 3 + Storyblok
I delivered my first in-person workshop ever at the vue.js DE conf 2022, and it was an amazing and super enriching experience! 🎉
I won't deny that the day before I was scared shitless and insecure, but I managed to overcome my fears and do it. Not only that, but I immediately connected with the people who came to learn about #Jamstack, #Storyblok and #Nuxt 3, and they gave me very good feedback after the workshop, I'm so so happy 😊
I take away the experience, the good atmosphere, and the fact that I met fascinating people 💜
Workshop official description
👉 https://conf.vuejs.de/workshops/build-a-full-blown-multilingual-site-with-nuxt-3-storyblok/
Workshop notes, structure, content, official repository & live site
👉 https://bit.ly/berlin-nuxt-and-storyblok
Read More30 Sep, 202230 Sep, 2022Co-hosted a NMDLV PodcastNo me da la vida - Episodio 1.71.7 - Para hablar de productos geek con Verownika
En formato vídeo en YouTube 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGpbM9MG2FM
En formato audio en todas las plataformas 👉 https://anchor.fm/no-me-da-la-vida/episodes/1-7---Para-hablar-de-productos-geek-con-Verownika-e1ohs87
En el episodio 1.7 hablamos del nuevo iPhone 14, del USB 4.0, de la compra de Figma por Adobe, del modo full static de Nuxt 3, de los eventos de Mouredev y Midudev en el día de la programación, del entierro de Google Hangout, del Web Almanac 2022, de las comunidades SveltSirens y Woman of Jamstack, entre otras muchas cosas 🤪
⚡ El unicornio Tech con Verónica Sierra
Podéis encontrarla en https://instabio.cc/Verownika 🌍 o en sus redes como 👉 @verownika
Pódcast tech (@nomedalavidadev)🎙 con @miriamgonp y @dawntraoz. Música, edición y mezcla por Gargantua Estudios 👉@gargantuaES. Imagen y marca por Iris Vidal 👉 @zomiga.
Patrocinado por Infojobs y Garaje de Ideas, que están buscando developers en bit.ly/garaje-nomedalavida.Read More22 Sep, 202222 Sep, 2022Interviewed at web.devInterview at Web DevGDE community highlight: Alba Silvente Fuentes
A written interview about my professional career and how I ended up being a FrontEnd developer. We also talked about my tech focus these days and what tools and languages I use in my day-to-day. We discuss what my podcast is about, how I interact with the tech communities, and my experience as a Google Developer Expert.
Read More12 Aug, 202212 Aug, 2022Interviewed on YouTubeJakub Andrzejewski YouTube channel#4 Interviews – Alba Silvente
I appeared on Jakub's channel, on his interviews show, to talk about tech ambassador programs, content creation, and my experience doing so, as well as my career switch from full-time developer to Dev Rel Engineer.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOPAbjzG09cRead More24 Jun, 202224 Jun, 2022Interviewed on a podcastPodcast Web ReactivaWR 237: Jamstack, juniors y superpoderes con Alba Silvente
Me pasé por el pódcast de Daniel Primo para hablar sobre las novedades de Nuxt, qué es ser Google Developer Expert o por qué iniciarse en el mundo de la programación puede abrirte muchas más puertas de las que crees.Read More18 Jun, 202218 Jun, 2022Participated in a Round TablePodcast Programar es una mierdaEpisodio 96 - Entrevistas técnicas
Participé en este episodio live de Programar es una mierda junto a dos compañeras del sector con distintos roles al mío.
En este directo debatimos sobre formas de entrevistar a une candidate, contamos experiencias personales en procesos de selección y dimos consejos para aquelles que tuvieran que pasar por estos mismos casos.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nhIsnzuw9ERead More16 Jun, 202216 Jun, 2022Participated in a Live StreamTwitch Full Stuck DeveloperEpisodio junto a Alba Silvente
Participé en este directo de Full Stuck Developer donde hablamos sobre como es vivir en otro país, de cómo se llega a un perfil Senior en desarrollo siendo mujer en un sector masculinizado, de que me motivó a crear mi propio podcast junto a Míriam, No me da la vida, entre otras muchas cosas.
Read More13 Jun, 202213 Jun, 2022Interviewed on YouTubeEntrevista en Latte & Code💜💛 Un café con Alba Silvente
Gerardo me invitó a su canal "Latte And Code" para hablar de mi experiencia en el mundo de la programación, por qué amo Vue y el desarrollo Open Source.
Además, también hablé de mi podcast junto a Míriam González, "No me da la vida".
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnNv4I-a0H0Read More25 May, 202225 May, 2022Mentioned as a referentCharla inspiracionalHe sido nombrada como referente
Concha Asensio, amiga de la profesión, impartió una charla por el día de la mujer y la niña en la ciencia para hacer que las más jóvenes conozcan las posibilidades que tienen de entrar al mundo tecnológico y motivarlas.
Para ello, ha presentado referentes del siglo XXI de cada rama y, con mucho orgullo e ilusión, yo he sido una de las nombradas en la categoría de Desarrollo de software.
Read More23 May, 202223 May, 2022Interviewed on a podcastPodcast E²Entrevista al Cuadrado con Alba Silvente y Míriam González
Entrevista doble a las dos integrantes de No me da la vida, a Míriam y a mí, para hablar de como nos organizamos para realizar las entrevistas que llevamos a cabo en el podcast.
Twitter 👉 @entrecuadrado
Correo 👉 entrevistacuadrado@protonmail.comRead More11 May, 202211 May, 2022Spoke on a LivestreamPlaytomicEntrevista a No me da la vida
Hablamos sobre la creación del podcast, de comunidades de FE, de la iniciativa con Polywork, de las secciones que componen cada episodio.
Read More09 May, 202209 May, 2022Spoke on Webificando podcastWebificandoProgramación, contenido y comunidades web con Alba Silvente
Hoy me he pasado por el podcast Webificando para hablar de No me da la vida, de lo que significa ser Google Developer Expert y Ambassador de Nuxt y Storyblok, de desarrollo web y de la creación de contenido.
Versión podcast
Parte 1 👉 https://open.spotify.com/episode/1iuguQomnf8IphNXueM2QJRead More29 Apr, 202229 Apr, 2022Spoke on Chimichurri Code podcastChimichurri Code¿Quién es quién? Frontend Developer
En este episodio de la serie de ¿Quién es quién?, del podcast Chimichurri Code, hablo junto a otras dos compañeras del sector, Ari y Cris, sobre el rol de Frontend Developer.
Hablamos sobre las responsabilidades que tenemos en nuestras empresas, sobre las decisiones de arquitectura y frameworks que totamos, sobre testing, entre otras muchas cosas.
https://open.spotify.com/episode/69kFCxrIVwCjh6utygWEv4Read More14 Apr, 202214 Apr, 2022Interviewed on Talent HackersEntrevista en Talent Hackers@Dawntraoz, Senior Frontend de Alicante a Ámsterdam
TalentHackers asked me to do an inspirational interview written to tell my experience in the programming world.
In it, I tell my beginnings, how I became Senior FrontEnd, my move from Alicante to Amsterdam and working remotely. In addition to my story in the tech communities, where I tell them how it is to be in the GDE program as well.Read More05 Apr, 202205 Apr, 2022Started a new jobNew jobFirst day as Sr. FrontEnd at Ignite
5th April was my first day at Ignite (formerly Tendermint) as a Sr. FrontEnd Developer 😍
Yes, I've joined an ✨ amazing team ✨ and project, I still can't believe it! Pinch me!
Although I'm still in the middle of the onboarding process, I can't have more HYPE with what's to come, how much I'm going to learn about Web 3 and the platform I'm going to be involved in as FrontEnd 👏
Looking forward to start contributing, grow with them and make the web a better place 🚀
https://ignite.com/Read More21 Mar, 202221 Mar, 2022Recognized by Smashing MagazineRecognitionPerson of the Week for Smashing Magazine
It is a pleasure to be among so many amazing people behind Smashing Magazine and its authors. But to be recognized by them is more than an honour, I can't believe it 🙈
Read More11 Mar, 202211 Mar, 2022Interviewed on Entrevistas En DiferidoEntrevistada enEntrevistas En Diferido
Durante esta semana, del 7 al 13 de marzo, he sido entrevistada en el canal de Telegram EntrevistaEnDiferido.
La entrevista ha sido en un formato nuevo y diferente, cada día recibía 2 preguntas sobre mi experiencia u opinión en temas relacionados con el mundo del desarrollo y tenía que responderlas asíncronamente mientras los lectores las leían.
Una iniciativa de José Jiménez, uno de los creadores del podcast 24H24L.
Podéis encontrarla también en su versión Newsletter 👇
https://entrevistasendiferido.substack.com/p/entrevista-a-alba-silventeRead More26 Feb, 202226 Feb, 2022Rebranded a podcastRebranding & new social networksPodcast — No me da la vida (v1)
For the past 2 months I have been working together with Miriam, Álvaro, and Iris on a rebranding. Getting everything ready for the launch of the second season of the podcast, now on YouTube as well.
Now we will also have new social networks like TikTok, LinkedIn page and Instagram Reels. And we've created a Spanish 🇪🇸 Discord community, so we can build better relationships with our listeners and give them a voice on the podcast.
Find all links here 👉 withkoji.com/@nomedalavidadevRead More17 Feb, 202217 Feb, 2022Started mentoringRoad to GDEMentoring ProgramRoad to GDE
I will be mentoring a candidate with the potential to become Google Developer Expert, to guide her and make her fulfill her purpose and love the community and the content she creates.
https://events.withgoogle.com/road-to-gde/Read More08 Jan, 202208 Jan, 2022Updated my personal websiteWebsite changesNew project detail page
It's been a long time since I've touched my website, and this week I felt like updating the obsolete packages!
I couldn't resist adding a new section to explain the projects in detail 🦄
https://dawntraoz.com/projects/Read More2021
14 Dec, 202114 Dec, 2021Wrote an articleRecap article
How to migrate from WordPress to a Headless CMS
After giving the workshop How to migrate from WordPress to a Headless CMS on 28th and 29th October at Smashing Conference, I decided, with the Storyblok team, to write a recap article.
So that's what I did, I wrote an article for the Storyblok blog (in third person, simulating an interview) to recap my experience doing the workshop, the concepts explained, and the resources used in the training.
https://www.storyblok.com/mp/workshop-recap-migrate-wordpress-headlessRead More01 Dec, 202101 Dec, 2021Contributed to Web AlmanacWritten Content[Reviewer] Jamstack | 2021 | The Web Almanac by HTTP Archive
The goal of this chapter is to identify what are the main SSGs used on Jamstack and look at the adoption of Jamstack technology year over year. We looked at how they are distributed around the world, the level of performance of Jamstack sites, and how it is growing. We also explored data of different CDN providers for Jamstack sites. Additionally, we dived into results of resources used for Jamstack sites and their impact on user experience.
Project maintained by Google Devs and wrote by volunteering expert on the different areas.
Read More11 Oct, 202111 Oct, 2021Achieved a professional goalMentioned in an articleMy web performance journey with Nuxt, Storyblok & Netlify
The article I published in April 2021 about Web Performance has now reached 6000 views.
Thank you all for reading it 🎉
PS: And just today it has been mentioned in a must-read article by Jakub Andrzejewski 👉 https://dev.to/baroshem/performance-checklist-for-vue-and-nuxt-cogRead More06 Oct, 202106 Oct, 2021Mentioned in Frontend Heroes podcastFrontend Heroes podcast
I have been mentioned as the hero of the week on the Frontend Heroes podcast, in the episode with Debbie O'brien.
Thanks to Debbie for always having my back and supporting me in everything I do. I love her dearly and couldn't have been luckier to cross her path.
https://share.transistor.fm/s/496ae851Read More01 Oct, 202101 Oct, 2021Attended TNW ConferenceI attended The Next Web conference in Amsterdam.
I met my Storyblok colleagues and the people who make up Story of AMS. 🎉
I saw a couple of talks and discussions about inclusion/diversity and sexuality in tech, and discovered a couple of tools I hadn't tried yet.
It was a great experience and I hope to attend more face-to-face events again, I missed them!
PS: I created my own business cards to hand out during the event, it was great fun designing them and handing them out to strangers.
Read More26 Jun, 202126 Jun, 2021Reached a Milestone on Twitter🎉 Reached 4K followers on Twitter 🎉
After 1.5 years creating and sharing content with the community, 4000 people trust in me to be in their timelines 😍
https://twitter.com/dawntraoz/status/1408722213465886720Read More24 Jun, 202124 Jun, 2021Got featured in GoogleDevExpertRead More10 Jun, 202110 Jun, 2021Guested on Uniform YoutubePersonalizing Storyblok with Uniform and Nuxt.js
Read More2020
17 Sep, 202017 Sep, 2020Wrote an article for Storyblok
How to use TailwindCSS, Express.js and Storyblok for AMP powered websites
Article written for Storyblok.Read More16 Jun, 202016 Jun, 2020Wrote an article for VueDoseHow to structure a Vue.js app using Atomic Design and TailwindCSS
Article written for VueDose.
https://vuedose.tips/how-to-structure-a-vue-js-app-using-atomic-design-and-tailwindcssRead More -