Dayna McEntee
  • @dayna_backup
  • A young, artistic individual who needs help to get her spark back.
  • England
  • She/her
Hi, my name's Dayna and I've always had a passion for art. I grew up drawing from the age of 8, and now as a 22 year old, I never thought I would find myself in this mental space. I have also loved video games from a young age, and my dream initially was to create assets/art for said games. To achieve this, I earned a degree in Computer Animation and Visual Effects, however due to the pandemic and the stress of submitting the work on time, my mental health suffered a lot. I attempted to enrol in a masters degree, however this only worsened my mental state and I had to drop out. I have spent the last year feeling like a failure, spiralling and spiralling. I have been trying my best to get better but not having a routine/purpose has completely thrown me off. I would love to be able to discover this again. I'm hoping PolyWork will help me to reignite my spark and passion for not only art and video games, but also life in general.
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