Started a new company
Started a new role
     Hello! my name is Deborah Gutierres, I live in Ireland but I am originally from Brazil. I am graduated in fashion design and fashion styling and have been working in in the fashion retail for almost ten years.

Visual communication is what attracts me and I love to study the fashion image subjective meanings. I am very curious and exercise my knowledge through the interest in knowing more about different things.

My new business is about helping people to express themselves through fashion, developing the visual communication in a light and creative way, highlighting their own style and communicating through clothes consciously and with purpose.

My intention is to show people that fashion doesn't need to be only for famous people and help them to feel confident in their own style and know how to express themselves according to their needs.

What makes my company different is the concern about treating each person as unique, no matter what the fashion rules say. I cherish the respect for people and their uniqueness and believe in the difference fashion can make in expressing who we are, according to what we want to show and achieve in life.
Fashion is expression and we should all have fun playing with it.