Benjamin Slater
  • @djtwotone
The world is such a big place and there are so many things to know about it. As we travel through, it is important to be open and ready to adapt to whatever situation gets thrown at you.

I have recently made the move to becoming a developer where my lifetime of experience has prepared me for whatever situation comes my way. I am finding this journey challenging, but a good challenge is what makes life worth living. Everything that I have learned in my journey is making this new challenge all the more interesting.

Over the past year, I successfully completed the Software Engineering Career Track at Springboard. Before that, I partnered in running a local meetup of freeCodeCamp. In our weekly meetings, we help each other with our various projects and support each other in our learning journey. We have done everything from taking part in international coding events like Hacktoberfest and the Advent of Code to creating games and building with Arduino.

I have spent the last 19 years as an English instructor in South Korea where I learned the importance of being open to new ideas and cultures. In every school I have worked with, I was proud to help students be successful on their paths of learning.

I voraciously consume audiobooks and podcasts. I love to read anything I can get my hands on. I founded one of the most successful amateur theater troupes in South Korea. I even help run the website of a local charity. These have given me the tools to react to any and all situations the world might throw my way.

If you are looking for an adaptable person who can bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the odyssey that your company is on, please do not hesitate to contact me.
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