How to beat a competitor?

Hacked my brain
Any growing startup already has and will soon have more competitors. And the winner in this race is not the one who has the best idea (after all, they will be plus or minus similar) - but the one who knows how to deal with competitors better than others.

As a warm-up, I suggest this method. We take a product that already exists on the market and try to find an idea of ​​how to defeat a competitor who created the product.

- Worst way to improve a product.
- It's better if you can think of a way to improve your marketing and sales.
- It’s even better if you don’t invent anything out of your head at all, but find something that works in another geographical and thematic market that can be stupidly copied.
- Ideal, if you take and do something from this right away!

No need to look for a hundred ideas on how to make your perfect product! You need to look for a hundred ideas on how to defeat existing competitors, try each of the ideas and find your winning strategy!

Exactly as described, we act in our digital agency
 Where our goal is to dissuade building a product until a strategy for defeating an existing competitor is found and tested.