
First-time speaker at #KubeCon - a dream came true <3 https://www.credly.com/badges/45929d58-7968-4cc7-a4bb-0903572a6c69/public_url
From #monitoring to #observability - left shift your SLOs with Chaos at #KubeCon πŸ”₯ Slides: https://brendan.fyi/left-shift-slos-chaos-kubeconeu22 πŸ’‘ #KubeCon #KubeConEU
From developer nightmares to metrics, logs, traces to instrumentation to improving with SLOs and introducing Chaos. From #monitoring to #observability πŸ“ˆ Had a blast speaking at Chaos Carnival - tha...
All Day DevOps: From Monitoring to Observability: Left Shift your SLOs Twitter thread with many things to learn: https://twitter.com/dnsmichi/status/1453683710331604992
PromCon NA: Practical Kubernetes Monitoring with Prometheus https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1EEBJFgeThlVEeC_E3tOYGicU2X0S9vPGsba49EQSNwk/edit
Open Source Automation Days: From Monitoring to Observability: Left shift your SLOs A deep-dive into debugging stories (incl DNS), app instrumentation, Keptn, Litmus Chaos, Prometheus & (GitLab) CI...
AWS UG OSTECH Conf 2021: From Infrastructure as Code to Cloud Native Deployments in 5min β€’ Slides β€’ Stream/recording β€’ Twitter thread with insights β€’ Organisation issue
AllDayDevOps: From Monitoring to Observability: Migration challenges from Blackbox to Whitebox https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1N5DpAryFp0mSwoyvPge41tjOfc4DszL1/edit#slide=id.p1
Gitpod Community Day: Everyone Can Contribute - how GitLab uses Gitpod https://youtu.be/_tU_AJyfves https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/13N7lsYU22jKhKAwPQt_cri0EZ8uyh0TMJyLfiYilOgU/edit
SLOConf: Left Shift Your SLOs https://youtu.be/VwZrliyHbMs https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17u_ptKVAU1q5o76ErYYFRvss63aetU-W-kCtUssAYvs/edit#slide=id.p
Tweakers Dev Summit: Devs love CI/CD: Efficient DevSecOps Pipelines https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jZYHIXjL6CDBQVblDvxUvBFl8Gbz4LTx5yCx-iwRsqg/edit
DockerCon Live 2021, From Infrastructure as Code to Cloud Native Deployments in 5 minutes https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18gAKMvtK3jUNEt2LzbBiqpMH8MOBenQfk30Eq15CYbk/edit?usp=embed_facebook...