Started Developing a feature
Wrote PHP Code
Edited Docs
Wrote a New API
I recently kicked off development of the REST API v2 for AffiliateWP. a complete affiliate marking solution for WordPress.

I'm super excited to take our REST API in some really interesting new directions, namely adding meta and settings support in some areas, and multi-functional endpoints in others.

A couple of the features I'm most looking forward to include:
  • An endpoint for tracking a conversion by creating visit and draft referral records in the same request, maybe even setting a first-party cookie
  • Making some of the v1 endpoints much more dynamic, such as adding the ability to set affiliate meta the same time an affiliate record is added or updated

The first version of our REST API was very much of the CRUD ilk – core had the read-only endpoints, and a pro add-on had the create, update, and delete endpoints. But it was all very vanila; create this thing with standard fields, query for that thing with generic parameters.

The REST API v2 is going to be quite a bit more dynamic, incorporating many of the lessons learned from v1 and injecting a healthy dose of utility and a dash of whimsy. Stay tuned!