Launched a product

I'm working on the Obsidian Starter Kit Course. It will be a perfect companion to my Obsidian Starter Kit.

I've already recorded a few modules. Here's an overview of the course outline

- Installation

- Obsidian vaults

- Obsidian overview (main UI elements, creating/editing notes, adding metadata, slash commands, drag and drop, canvas, workspaces, slides, attachments, settings, ...)

- Markdown introduction

- Theory (PARA, LIFT, Johnny Decimal, Atomic Notes, note-taking vs note-making, Zettelkasten, iterative/incremental note-taking, Maps of Content, Journaling, Periodic reviews, Templating, progressive summarization, collector's fallacy, inbox zero, ...)

- Obsidian Starter Kit (design principles, folder structure, special notes/tags, plugins, templates, automation, ...)

- How-to guides (templates, tagging, capturing information, ...)

- Best practices

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