Built a feature
Used Netlify
Wrote a New API
Netlify function
From the 1st to the 12th of December, the amazing team over at Stumpt ( http://twitch.tv/stumptgamers ) ran their yearly charity stream - Stumptmas. They managed to raise over an utterly amazing $82K for the wonderful charity New Story https://newstorycharity.org/
I had the absolute honour of helping them out with various bits of software including a bespoke app that powers all the data they display in their main fundraising overlays as well as a new version of a fun fully customisable notification overlay for their Word of the Day game they have running during the streams.

For the latter I made use of Svelte, Netlify, Netlify Functions and Ably which made it an absolute breeze to put together a simple system to allow moderators to trigger the various fun pop-ups. I can’t express how much I love the Netlify ecosystem!