
Certified Kubernetes Administrator
Published an article on Multitenancy in Kubernetes with Virtual Clusters
Attended KubeCon
Started Working At Calyptia
I published another article for Civo Cloud. I wrote a detailed overview of how to instrument Prometheus metrics in a GO application, collect those metrics using Prometheus and visualize them with G...
I published my second article on Civo Cloud. This article gives a brief introduction to monitoring a Kubernetes cluster using Prometheus and Grafana. https://www.civo.com/learn/kubernetes-monitorin...
I started as an AWS Community Builder. As an AWS Community Builder, I will have access to beta AWS products, test them and give feedback. I will also write reviews about the products. I am excited ...
Started Microservices March! Microservices March is a free one-month-long program by Nginx. Topics such as Architecting Kubernetes Cluster for High- Traffic websites, Exposing APIs in Kubernetes, M...
I published an article at Civo Cloud. The article explains how to use Strimzi, a Kubernetes Operator to install an Apache Kafka Cluster on Kubernetes, and ArgoCD, an Open Source GitOps software to ...
I finished and published Eutuxia on Github. https://github.com/ehienabs/eutuxia.git
I started working on the proposed architecture, deployment and lifecycle management for Eutuxia, a video sharing platform. Using Infrastructure as Code tools such as Crossplane and according to Git...
I provisioned the cloud infrastructure for bootstrapping Kubernetes Cluster on Azure. https://github.com/ehienabs/eftychia
Attended KubeCon where I had so much fun!
I started working on a new personal project using Terraform
I published an article on ChatOps, using Hubot to manage PagerDuty on-call roaster with Slack. https://www.notion.so/ehienabs/Chatops-a309709ab6634171ab129689dc5ba15d
I published my Project Zemata: a Media site. I discussed the proposed architecture of the site. https://www.notion.so/ehienabs/ZEMATA-c9cd9deea930469786a2cca7ba8344fe
Passed the Microsofr Azure Fundamentals Certification. https://www.credly.com/badges/d66f9930-082b-4b06-9469-0b8faf1e26bf
Began my journey to Azure Certification thanks to Microsoft and Andela!
Passed the Google Associate Cloud Engineer exams and became a certified Cloud Engineer
Started building Zemata, an online news and media outlet, on Google Cloud. Comprised of a few microservices and elastic cloud infrastructure. https://ehienabs.notion.site/DESIGN-9635e5ae1a644fa18e5...
Completed the cloud engineering track of the GADs program.
Started GADS community project, where we wrote scripts to automate the deployment of cloud environments.
Started the Associate Cloud Engineer path of the Google Africa Developer Scholarship (GADS2020) program.