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Why is it important to provide training through Brown Bag ?

A brown bag lunch, sometimes referred to as a brown bag meeting or a lunch and learn, is an informal training session, usually performed during lunch. The name comes from the origins of these meetings in which employees would bring their own lunches from home to participate in lunchtime training sessions.

Brown bag lunches can boost morale, improve relationships, provide important information and signal the company's values for both employees and management.

Why Brown Bag

  • Align internal messaging: Since brown bag lunches are internal meetings, it might be easier to keep all the messaging aligned directly to the company mission.
  • Establish culture: Modelling and prioritizing positive personal relationships during brown bag meetings can vastly improve company morale and culture because it helps employees better understand the company and can increase feelings of togetherness for all team members.
  • Find areas for growth: Meeting informally with colleagues helps leaders see where employees experience pain points or could use formal training to improve their professional skills.
  • Offer support: The informal nature of brown bag meetings allows the company to support employees going through professional and personal challenges.
  • Provide leadership opportunities: Employees of all ranks and in all departments can facilitate or lead a brown bag lunch, which helps develop leadership skills.

Benefits of Brown Bag

Brown bag lunches offer a host of benefits for the both the attendees and the company, like:

  • Increasing dialogue amongst colleagues: Brown bag lunches allow employees to mingle in a personal manner that's less common in formal meetings or training sessions.
  • Sharing knowledge and information: These meetings give employees the opportunity to share important information or offer advice and tips on industry best practices or professional skills.
  • Promoting teamwork: Since the speaker usually addresses all employees in attendance as part of the same team, these lunches can increase unity overall.
  • Building a positive company culture: Providing training and guidance on personal topics like healthy living can show that the company values its employees, which can improve the company culture.
  • Boosting employee morale: Meeting informally with colleagues helps employees foster personal relationships at work, which helps keep morale high.
  • Offering a flexible meeting option: Since brown bag lunches are typically informal and often use internal employees as meeting facilitators, they can be held at almost any time.
