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Don't Burnout!Β 


83% of UK software engineers suffer burnout, COVID-19 made it worse -

Yes, working long hours, dealing with work pressures or performing at your highest capacity for a prolonged period can cause you to experience a burnout. But it is important to acknowledge that it is not necessarily always caused or inflicted by work or your job function.

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged pressure and stress.

Simple life choices outside of work can also easily cause one to experience a burnout. For example, having to attend to an unpleasant or upsetting situation, caring for an ill family member, and either lack of rest or sleep can lead to this stress condition.

Therefore, it’s important to recognise when you are experiencing from one or more of these symptoms that you should promptly take action to either prevent or recover. Unrecognised or unattended burnouts can cause severe health conditions over time so it is important to ensure that you take time to reflect and recharge.

πŸ’‘Tips for identifying & preventing burnout | A Guide to Burnout
