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What are the similarities between content and food?

You love food based on your preferred taste.

If you’re together with your family or friends, their preferred foods might not be your favorite.

  • You like cheesy things 🧀; they like veggie things 🥗
  • You love meat 🍖; they love seafood 🍤
  • You want beer 🍺; they want wine 🍷

So what’s the point?

We all have our preferred taste.

Just like in content, we love seeing content that leans towards our taste.

This could be a grayish area? Maybe? Who knows? The topic behind a content is subjective.

When we create content, alignment of our content and our ideal audience is essential, otherwise we will lose them.

There are multiple noises and distractions on the internet that capture people.

Even if this content has nothing to do with your audience’s life, it’ll still deplete your audience’s attention. This is not good.

What to do? It’s simple. Create content that matters to your audience.

It’s simple to say that but hard to achieve because what kind of content inspires your audience? There are several.

Instead of creating content that adds to the noise, create content that matters to you and your audience. It’s all about alignment.

If something is interesting to you, there’s a big chance your audience will find it interesting too.

Remember your ‘Ikigai’.

Ikigai  is the reason for your being.

To find your Ikigai, you need to define your four pillars:

  1.  What do you love?
  2.  What are you’re good at?
  3.  What does the world need?
  4.  What work can people pay you for?

Once you’ve set your Ikigai, you’ll have a different outlook on your content.

You’re creating valuable content, and your audience loves it.

Stop the noise and let’s produce content that’s aligned with your Ikigai and your audience.