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The best thing I started this year was to expand my intellectual curiosity.

This means I’m doing these important activities for my personal growth:

  1. Reading books (70% Non-fiction, 30% Fiction)
  2. Listening to non-business podcasts.
  3. Watching documentaries and history.

These three might seem daunting...

Let’s tackle the elephant in the room: TIME

Do I have enough time? Yes, but with twists.

I’m not those speed-readers who can read 100+ books in a year.

I mean, yeah, that’s an impressive accomplishment. Bravo to you!

That’s not me. I wanted to read a book slowly because I’m not in a rush or in a marathon to see who will read the most books this year.

I’m a calm guy who cherishes the lessons in the book while taking down notes, and applying them in my professional and personal life.

In fact, I planned to read 12 books this year. 1 book per month. I love deliberate reading.

It’s all about building tiny habits.

As B.J. Fogg shared in his book, “Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything”:

“The essence of Tiny Habits is this: Take a behavior you want, make it tiny, find where it fits naturally in your life, and nurture its growth.”

Yes, I have the copious time to read books, but they’re tiny. I love building a healthy reading habit.

I’m also building tiny habits for non-business podcasts, listening and watching documentaries and histories.

It’s about moving my serendipity vehicle to close the gap of the unknown to known.

Try it, be bold with your personal or professional goals, but make your plans tiny so that it’s not overwhelming.