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How does freewriting clears your mind?

There are three things I noticed about myself after 40 days of doing freewriting or writing morning pages:

(I have a better morning energy compared to not doing them).

  1. My poor handwriting is improving. From illegible to fairly readable.
  2. From crowded thinking into clear thinking. This is a big benefit for me.
  3. I’m not critiquing myself. The messy middle is important for clearer writing.

I had good handwriting when I was a kid. I don’t know what happened to my handwriting today, it’s so bad.

Today, thanks to freewriting, I have 10 minutes each day to practice my handwriting.

If I don’t write what’s on my mind in my journal, I will think about them all day. Writing them makes a lot of difference.

I can spot my thinking mistakes early, and I can correct them as soon as I write them in digital.

Our greatest enemy in our craft is ourselves.

It’s hard to battle perfectionism because we love to put content that’s worthy of our audience’s attention.

The result? We’re hurting ourselves by perfecting too much.

Freewriting embraces freedom.

Freedom from:

  1. Misspellings
  2. Structure
  3. Grammar

The purpose of freewriting is to write whatever comes into your mind.

If I want to get good at writing, I embrace the messy middle. Free from perfection.

Digital writing gives you wide freedom to hit the backspace or delete button. It's not amazing for freewriting.

Freewriting gives you permission to make mistakes.

Today, we lost a giant portion to getting preoccupied with our thoughts. Now is the time to get it back. Freewriting is your friend. Use it to get more clarity with your thoughts.

Embrace your imperfect writing to get clear thoughts.