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Why do people call writing is like having a superpower in our modern society?

It’s just ink on paper or words on the screen, right? This is the most literal first impression for most people, but it gets deeper.

First, let’s talk about this medium.

When it had emerged?

According to worldhistory.org:

“Around 3500-3000 BCE, writing was invented in Sumer, in Southern Mesopotamia, and the early writing system was called ‘Cuneiform’, and it consisted of making specific marks in wet clay with a reed implement.”

Our ancestors figured out a way to communicate with each other without using a voice.

The Sumerians invented writing for long-distance communication, which was necessitated by trade.

We need trade records so that we can track how many changes in the trade happened in a day. If there are no written records, the society will collapse. People will never trust other people again.

Without this magnificent invention, our modern society will never flourish.

How amazing is that?

From the early writing culture to electronic-transmitted messages, the invention of “Cuneiform” flourished our society.

Today, we’re living in a hyper-connected world. We use different technologies to communicate via electronic-transmitted messages, and we interact with each other using technology, and it all stemmed from writing.

That’s already a super-power.

What other writing superpowers we can mention?

In my experience, when you’re writing without using a computer, it gives you a sense of relief.


The daily bustle of work had already polluted our minds. We have a desire to put words on a piece of paper to release our tension, but because of technology that invades our personal space and sometimes privacy, we can’t.

But when you can? It connects us to our true selves.

This is another superpower of writing.

Additional superpowers of writing:

When writing a morning page, it’s like time-traveling to your timeline.

You set your yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals in writing. Our brain is projecting the future we planned the day we wrote our goals. It gives us motivation to continue the day.

And when you go back and read your morning page, it feels magical.

The most common question you’ll ask yourself is, “Did I just wrote all these?!”

Your results may vary, but you did your best. The journey is more important than the outcome.

Also, journaling is like you’re setting foot on an adventure of your time.

You’re free to write about what you love.

This is the best way of self-expression.

Journaling is a way to free your captivated thoughts.

It’s also:

* A way to find the best version of yourself through the written words.
* A way to be genuine with your feelings.
* A way to be kinder to yourself.

You’re writing your own story. It gets better if it has plot twists.

There’s a lot more about writing. It’s sad to say that we take the art of writing for granted.

Some people never respected the medium. It’s sad to say that writing was one of the greatest inventions happened in our society.

Today? There’s so much written information and you can never tell what’s true, who’s saying the truth, and what are the intentions of the writer.

We need to be more respectful of this craft.

Remember, if writing didn’t get invented, we will have a hard time for survival.

Whatever ways you write, pen-and-paper or digital writing, always be mindful with what you say and respect the craft of writing.

Also keep this in mind:

“Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs.” - Pearl Strachan Hurd

Writing is a modern superpower that needs to be respected.