Wrote an article
Published an article
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Quoted an author

Collect interesting ideas then select resonating ideas.

“Writers use everything. We can’t help it. Whatever touches us touches our writing.”Octavia E. Butler.

Writers are born with an unimaginable expanse of curiosity.

We’re always curious about our surroundings, and we take every inspiration for our work.

It’s both a gift and a curse. I mean, when we see something, our minds are already shooting ideas, arranging words, and getting our pen and paper to capture them.

It’s like our brain shouts: 


Only to find out our fleeting thoughts are 80% raw. They’re incomplete, and they need some refinement.

This is where research comes into play.

Research can be exciting or tiring for some writers.

Therefore, I keep reminding myself that most ideas are good, but not all of them are ideal for me, my work, and my audience.

Part of our writing is collecting resources, then selecting the most resonating ideas.

When writers do this deliberately, their work will have a stronger sense of personal representation.