
Spoke at Jamstack Conf 2022
Ever notice custom response headers don't appear in 304 HTTP responses when they do for 200 responses? I recently did and didn't know why this was happening, so I did some digging and wrote about w...
While I find git hooks very useful for ensuring certain code quality checks are performed before the code gets pushed to the remote (Github, Gitlab, etc.), sometimes I just want to share a work in ...
Discovered a couple of useful Github search options for finding issues and pull requests I've participated in. Can read about them here: https://www.ericapisani.dev/posts/useful-github-search-capab...
https://www.ericapisani.dev/posts/testing-a-project-contained-in-a-monorepo/ I haven't worked with too many monorepos prior to joining Netlify and it took me a minute to figure out how to test some...
https://www.ericapisani.dev/posts/write-how-much-work-is-required-not-the-work-itself/ I received this advice about how to write work to be done from a tech lead a few months ago and thought it was...
Created a demo site using the RedwoodJS framework with Netlify edge functions, but without an API layer/database. https://github.com/ericapisani/sample-redwoodjs-with-edge-netlify I ran into some c...
Released support for the NextAuth.js authentication library for Netlify's NextJS plugin. Sample project can be found here: https://github.com/ericapisani/sample-nextauth-netlify
https://www.ericapisani.dev/posts/preparing-for-your-performance-review-cycle/ What I was starting out in my career I didn't know how to approach performance reviews and assumed that I didn't need ...
Finished a new blog post outlining my general approach to performing major version dependency upgrades in projects. Thought it would be a good one after a team mate of mine asked about how I begin ...
Wanted to learn the basics of Golang, so decided to go through and completed the 'Learn Go' course offered by Codecademy.
Inspired by https://twitter.com/SaraSoueidan/status/1476435509849300992?s=20 , I set up an RSS feed on my personal blog (built using Hugo and the PaperMod theme) and published a post outlining the ...
Wrote a quick command line tool to generate a string for easy copy/pasting that combines a base time in my local time zone with adjusted times for other specified time zones (PST, CST, etc). https:...
Polywork social icon has been officially merged into the PaperMod theme for Hugo! https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod/pull/545
I learned about the :not CSS pseudo-class recently as an approach to omit a CSS rule and decided to write a blog post to about it. It looks like it's still in its early days in terms of widespread ...
Opened a pull request to add Polywork as a social icon to the popular Hugo theme PaperMod https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod/pull/545
Got an MVP for my new personal website up and running using Hugo and Github Pages. Still have yet to link it to my Polywork timeline, but it's next on my list! 👩🏼‍💻 https://ericapisani.github.io/
Won 'Young Alumni of Honour' award at the University of Guelph as part of the 2021 School of Computer Science Alumni Awards https://www.instagram.com/p/CPIzAdeHhvA/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Finished MongoDB Aggregation Framework course on Mongo University with a 93%
Got promoted to Sr. Software Engineer on the API and Integrations team at Lever! 🎉
Completed the Mongo Basics course through Mongo University
Joined Lever on the API and Integrations team
Published an article on testing Typescript types, which you can read here! https://medium.com/front-end-weekly/testing-typescript-types-1595c641d7c7