
Today, I learned a bit about Open Graph Meta Tags because my LinkedIn Feature URLs for my work wouldn't show a preview image. There was even a blog written about it. Who knew?
The challenge was too hard. Couldn't finish it. Not going to lie/sugar coat it. My vacation had so many big bumps and it drained me so when I came back my brain was toast. I'll write about it thoug...
Spent time reading up on some docs about branching with #git and checked out some resources for #React. Will build a project with that and spend the next couple of days on it. After, my next projec...
It's been rough. Flights delayed for over 6+ hours! Spent time connecting w/some other #coding newbies via discord in working on some basic projects together. Watching YT videos on #git workflow at...
With little wifi I have here, was able to sharpen up my personal #NextJS content. Also filled out the rest of my #hashnode for my more dev related posts. I've more blog ideas one related to my trip...
This vacation has been brutal! I'll still be able to watch some tech YT videos today. Here are techs/tools I have been exposed to in the order I learned them: #python #sublimetext #git #html #css #...
Its been a while, but it's been a learning curve programming on a laptop again. Not used to having to alt tab so much. Made fixes to issues while in mobile. Was also able to embed a YT video to the...
Showed up 3 hours early for our flight to DR. Check-in was insane! Did some work on my #Nextjs site at the airport gate. Wrote out a blog post. Some light work but got it in for the challenge. #vac...
Did some website touch ups and additions to the footer. Getting more comfortable with #css and responsiveness. Will spend the rest of the day packing for vacation, getting my repos/environments upd...
Added #netlify forms to my #nextjs blog. Fixed some issues I had on console/build. Now all it needs is some actual content and it's pretty done. I'll write stuff during vacation. What's next? Portf...
Did some fancy things with #responsivedesign this morning with moving the footer around on my #Nextjs site. Very close to being inspired to building my entire portfolio using the framework. 15/100 ...
Reading #NextJS docs this morning. Having a hard time setting up multiple sections in a blog, still working on it. After coffee, maybe some more job market browsing. And finish planning my trip to ...
Spent a bit of time updating some stuff in my old portfolio. Added my blog project to it. Still need to fix this problem on it I have within NextJS. For now, will take a look at the job market, may...
Worked on some responsive design #CSS for #Nextjs project. Also added some more content. Would still like to get some sort of #SEO or multiple sections going at some point. Was stuck on that last n...
Not much going on today. Few hours playing around and testing some components on #NextJS to see how stuff works. Spending rest of the night looking at the job market. 11/100 #100DaysOfCode
Continued working on my #NextJS project. Will work on it's #CSS for a few hours. Brainstormed some ideas on what my next project will be as well. Both go into my portfolio. This weekend is such a b...
Took a break last night and have been at it the last 6+ hours building a blog using #Nextjs. I'll be skipping graphql for now because it caused me a lot of issues trying to utilize it while trying ...
Was stuck on a Gatsby Javascript problem using graphql for hours. Rough night programming but I'm sure this is all part of the learning process. Will have to figure it out again tonight or move ont...
Messed around w/ more #Netlify features I never knew about. Used their #ContentManagementSystem#CMS and deployed a #Gatsby starter blog from #Github. Setting up the environment was brutal, but I go...
Incredible to see that there were ~30 job openings near my area that weren't looking for any degree hiring for developer positions. Most were looking for basic #HTML #CSS #JS #ReactJS #Angular etc....
Uneventful day. Didn't spend much time in front of PC. Just a few hours of #Responsive design I messed around with. I do have an issue with images not clickable when page is mobile. Will have to lo...
Finished my integration of a netlify form into my portfolio site but needed to deploy my domain on netlify which was fine. Had to use some #javascript though to get a nicer navbar hamburger menu fi...
Added some content to portfolio site. Did more refreshers on basic #HTML#CSS#JS. May work on implementing a brand new modern navbar tonight. Also want to learn about this #Netlify contact form I sa...
Not sure if it's just me, but some portfolio templates seem to bug out in responsiveness every time I try to add or play around with new features, but that's ok I'll eventually make my own. Also, I...
Did some cool basic refreshers on #html #css along with version control through some templates. Also took a namecheap domain, deployed and enforced https on #github pages. A lot of features I haven...