Tested a User Experience
Evaluated a User Experience
Created user flows
Created user personas
User Journey Mapping
Created a user journey flow
Conceptualized an Brand Idea
Conducted user interviews
Conducted user testing
Conducted usability testing
Planned Usability Testing
Designed a user interface
Designed mobile app
Wrote a Case Study
Worked on a case study
Started a new UX Case Study
UI/UX Case study
Designed user interface
Here´s my Case Study for the app i´ve been working on since the second course to the forth course of the UX desgign certificate from Google. The challenge was creating a dedicated mobile app for a restaurant in my town.

After a few interviews with some people, i found that there was not a healthy restaurant here and the many ones didn´t have neither a website nor an app to order in advance.  Here´s the link if you want to review my whole project, from the empathaze phase to a high fidelity prototype phase.
