
During this week i had an opportunity to participate in a ui challenge, i had to create three screens for an nft music app, so i made a bit of research, created paper wireframes, turned them into d...
During this week i had an opportunity to participate in a ui challenge, i had to create three screens for an nft music app, so i made a bit of research, created paper wireframes, turned them into d...
Creating my own personal brand has always been as stressful as fun. For me as a designer it's easier to translate others ideas into something tangible than for myself, so for some years now I've be...
After making research and turning insights into personas, joruney maps, empathy maps, etc, i can start the ideation process wich will involve some excersices to define the elements of the website a...
I´m happy to say after a long hiatus i started to work for a startup as graphic designer (freelance). This is a huge project but this first phase is already finished. This phase was about desining ...
What an aventure has been it. I started last year this profesional certificate after thinking about my future, where i wanted to be, what i needed to achieve, the tools i needed to learned, what i ...
Here´s my last project of the UX design professional certificate from Google, even though i had a month to conclude it, i made it. This project was about a reponsive website and a dedicated mobile ...
This last course was a huge challenge, because i had to finished it in a month , i had to go the extra mil (for real) to accomplish it on time. For this part of the cerftificate i had to design a r...
Here´s my second project i worked on this last course, my role was from scratching the idea to delivery. To develop solutions for this responsive website i interviewed some people to understand the...
It took me forever to finishing this course, even though i still need to make iterations and conduct a second usability study on the visual design look. This course was about creating a reponsive w...
Here´s my Case Study for the app i´ve been working on since the second course to the forth course of the UX desgign certificate from Google. The challenge was creating a dedicated mobile app for a ...
Wow! it took me more time to accomplish this part of the course and finishing my first project as a UX designer. I could belive how much i grow during these last months. In this part of the course ...
Conducting research and testing concepts was quite insightful, this way i could eliminate the biases i had, and after the usability study i made changes to improve the experience. https://coursera....
Competing this second course of the UX Design certificate made me realize of how empathizing with users is key to develop a great product in all the phases. I learnt how important is conducting int...
3 of 7 acomplished! What a great feeling. Finally in this course i started to bring my ideas to life. This is also an important step, if we (as designer) come up with lots of ideas, then it would b...
Hey there! I'm excited to know what this is about and how we can all grow. Pluto is my AI-assistant (i got to say the name reminded me of Mickey's dog). • Pronouns: He /Him • Name: Erik • Pseudonym...
I successful finished the first of seven coursers from the UX professional certificate, it was a huge step after deciding the what path I wanted to take as a graphic designer. https://coursera.org/...
I'm super excited to check out Polywork as one of the first early adopters. Oh and btw Pluto is by far the most superior of the AI-Assistants! 🔥 😎 🤖