Wrote a talk
🚀Just finished writing my conference talk for Pyconline 2021 & BSides Perth on "Collapsology: Why exposed RDP isn't your biggest threat" where we recount the rise and fall of empires and what they can teach us about modern day corporate security culture and tools that we can use to help identify these threats before they become full blown vulnerabilities.

Both conferences are online, for those in locked down states and tickets are still on sale for both events and can be purchased here:
  • Pyconline 
  • Bsides Perth - Tickets are pay what you want, with all proceeds going straight to 0xCC a security training conference, for women, by women.
Hope to see you all there ✨

Image Alt: A photo of three columns in the Forum in Rome, Italy tinted pink. In a pink square the text "Lessons lost in time / Your security culture / Will fall like empires"