
I wrote a small article about cleaning old github action runs using the commandline ➡️ https://blog.etiennemarais.co.za/articles/cleaning-old-github-action-runs
Our little side business got nominated for as one of the top 5 for best small business in the Western Cape. We didn't win but I am still proud to be part of the top 5 finalists out of 1000s of subm...
(Acquired Over Feb 2020) Solve business and technical problems by understanding the needs that drive both, to work towards a shared goal of simplicity, performance and growth on a global scale. • R...
Solve business and technical problems by understanding the needs that drive both to work towards a shared goal of simplicity, performance and growth. • Design and Build new API endpoints that servi...
Worked with our UK division to design, build, improve and roll out multi-regional reporting tools for their affiliates. • Understand and implement business rules for commission calculation and repo...
I translate complexity between business, tech and third party dependencies to allow for better context and deliverability. I pair a lot with our team's product manager to break up bigger projects a...
I delivered value by shipping projects and doing maintenance on legacy systems. Together with my team we focused on full stack features that was customer facing. • Built out features and improvemen...
I joined a fresh team, part of an international group, to build out and migrate legacy software to a new platform for the company to remote manage their online classified platform.
Saw this team grow from startup to enterprise level while building a personalised platform for companies to maintain and manage their email communications to their clients. • Built, designed and ma...