Eduardo Vedes
  • @evedes
Hey everyone 👋

I'm Edo, a Software Engineer, husband, and father of three. I'm a career shifter who fell in love with Software Engineering and Distributed Systems since 2016. I've been a remote contractor for the last four years.

Focused on the JavaScript ecosystem, always enthusiastic about Clojure/ClojureScript and the Functional Thinking approach to solve problems.

In my free time, I read a lot, listen to jazz, play with the kids, or tinker around some nerdy stuff: my Hackintosh or my Linux box. Love conferences and tech events.

I often try to mentor and help people overcome the growing pains of learning how to program, assuring they get the slipstream while striving with others to solve small, non-frustrating, challenges.

I'm a freeCodeCamp Advocate, and I used to organize freeCodeCamp local meetups in my community. In 2018 I've been one of the freeCodeCamp Top Contributors around Europe. Someone who enjoys being out of their comfort zone and helping others to grow. 

My OCD hates bugs so expect me to organize some "Bug Hunting Expeditions" here and there.

On Fridays, I can't say no to a cold Punk IPA or to a little bit of social interaction/team building.
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