Created a behavioural intervention
User Research
Created a behavioural intervention which increased vaccination intention for the booster shot by 46%! Also finally received a 1st in cohort rank, for an economics subject... took me a few years.

Over the last few months, I've been working on my capstone project in collaboration with NSW Health and Deloitte to increase booster shot uptake by the general population. I foreshadowed that the government was going to roll it out eventually and their campaign was going to be weak (luckily, this all turned out true...). I wanted to create a new template that could be used by them that would ensure the billions they spent in vaccine infrastructure wasn't wasted. 

After doing extensive research, surveys with 300+ people, and conducting an RCT with 50 people, I developed an informational campaign where the Government sends a Health message through E-mail, Letter, and SMS in conjunction with information pamphlets. I utilised a variety of Behavioural Design and Economic principles to create this solution. (I've attached an annotated version). 

Although the solution sounds pretty boring, the results were pretty convincing as we had 0 detractors and 45% of respondents said they were 'likely' to book a vaccine now. 

A careful consideration for this intervention is that we only measured intentions to vaccinate and not the actual vaccine booking behaviours, as I did not have access to data needed to measure our primary outcome i.e 'Amount of bookings'. However, the intervention has the capacity to be used for various priority groups such as elderly people and immunocompromised, as the information can easily be adjusted with zero marginal cost.  I ended up creating an extensive RCT design which the government could use too.